The Apocalypse

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The last seal is to be broken
And earth submerged in darkness
The soil irrigated by the blood of
The wicked and the innocent alike
Till every man, woman and child
Perish under the cruelty and
Wrath of a single depraved and
Maniacal mind, evil conquers
As a sinful symphony of bone
Shattering and demonesque laughter
Fills putrid pungent air
Driving souls of the righteous to
The fringe of insanity and beyond
Skulls of priests hanging by the mandibles
Over pouring waterfalls of velvet blood
The all-mighty and powerful brought
To their knees pleading for death to
Spare them the agony as they have no
Strength to survive such an atrocious tragedy
No mercy nor forgiveness shall be granted
For they are not worthy nor have they earned that luxury

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