Wattpad has writers!

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There is just something about reading and writing isn't there? It isn't like watching TV or listening to the radio where everything is just spoon fed into your brain. Reading is the only way every single word in a thought interacts with your mind. It's a give and take that you can't get anywhere else. You participate in the creativity. It is more. 

I have my favorite types of writing. I believe in words. When I think of good writing I think of stories like The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway, The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, and A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens. But you don't have to go back that far to find brilliant writing. Try writers like Mark Helprin in A Winter's Tale,  A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean, and Larry McMurtry in Lonesome Dove. If you want to be a writer just read their words and it will make you think twice about thinking that you know anything about writing. 

Nobody does dialogue better than Stephen King and few people do suspense better than Nelson Demille , James Patterson, or Henning Mankell. I could go on forever.

But not all brilliant writers are on the bookshelves at your local bookstore. How could they be? It is a long and often not fair road that gets you published. Many will never get there and those that do may never get famous. Many of them don't want to be famous. Their writing is no less great. 

Yes, believe it or not there is some great talent on Wattpad. As much as I talk crap about all the terrible writing and cliche stories on here there are some souls  here that are talented wordsmiths. They have a gift of story telling. They know how both people and words work, and they have a talent of blending them together in ways the rest of us would have never thought to do. 

Some of them talk about their lives, others about a make believe world they created, and some make beautiful poetry out thin air. Some of them talk about things that are harsh and ugly.  Some leave you feeling raw, empty, worn out, and you will love them for it. Many will take you back to your world when you were young. Others will let you know how it will be when there are more years behind you than in front of you. 

Whatever the case you should thank them all and feel blessed to have crossed their paths. This series is about my favorite writers on Wattpad. And I love them all for different reasons. Give them a chance. Follow them. See what I see. They all have something to offer. I think it will be worth your while. 

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