The Truth is Out There

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On the very first day I opened up my Wattpad account I went straight to the non-fiction section and looked around. I was writing mostly non-fiction myself and I wanted to see what everyone else was writing about. I found all kinds of memoirs,  journals, and rant books. There were stories of personal loss, personal growth, and of course stories of triumph and love. 

And there was the account of John Shirey, aka jeshi99

You really are not going to find another Wattpad account like this one. He is a retired chemist with a lot of time on his hands and a gift for writing. I came across his book titled "The Theory of Nothing". It is definitely one of the most brilliant books in the non-fiction world of Wattpad

In his book he covers a wide range of philosophical and scientific issues of today. If you want to know about black holes, time travel, or the beginning of time, this is the author you want to follow. His books are alive with questions that we all should want answered. 

Do you want to know how time began? Are we alone in the universe? How will the world end? Can the transporter on Star Trek really work? Will there ever be a zombie apocalypse? How does GPS work? Will all dogs really go to heaven? Where are all the women scientists?  These are just a few of the hundreds questions he attempts to answer in his books "The Theory of Nothing" and "The Universe Revealed".  

Oh and his book "How to drive accident free!" is a must read! I made my daughters read it before taking their driving courses and they found it more helpful then the driving course!

His understanding of the world around us is incredible, but the best thing of all is his ability to explain some of those things so that us normal people can understand them. I read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" several years ago. I didn't get most of it until I got on Wattpad and read John Shirey. 

And he writes science fiction! I have not delved into those but I will soon. Stories about time travel, alien planets, and life after death await you.

Now I know most people got on Wattpad to read fiction. We came to be impressed by all the massive trilogies of budding authors aching to knock J.K. Rowling off the best seller list. Not many came here to read about science. I know I didn't. But trust me. You will not regret going into his books and finding answers to some things you've always wondered about but just never knew who to ask. 

Go check out his profile of the first book I found on Wattpad. Go check out jeshi99. You just might learn something. 

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