The beginning

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One day in new Jersey Barney was walking from Burlington. Across the street Barney saw the most glorious being ever.............Shrek. Barney encountered Shrek. "What's your name" Barney asked "Its Shrek" "wanna go to my place at 9 o'clock" Barney asked "yes" Shrek said. 9 pm. Barney got in the bedroom with a naked Shrek. Shreks dick was 30 inches long. Barney got on his powerful knees and bit off two thirds of his dick off. Shrek looked in glee. Barney pulled out his 16 inch penis. Barney ignored the blood that was leaking out the hole in Shreks (now) ten inch penis and put his dick in the hole. Each millisecond Barney got faster, soon he got so fast he set his and Shreks dick on fire, they giggled at each other. Barney blew seaman all in Shreks ear, but the fun wasn't over yet!!!

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