Chapter II: sex while kids r sleep

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It was 11:30 pm Barney and Shrek were cuddled up like crack hose. But Shrek wasn't sleeping he was watching sis loves Shrek was like an egg now, hard boiled. "BBZ" said Shrek "Wanna Get laid" "but shrek" said Barney "I'm a virgin" "that can change" said Shrek taking off his pants. Barney got his Dick and turned it into a pussy. Shrek put his 696 inch Dick inside barney. Barney felt his shaft tickle hid kidney stone. Barney was about to moan but Shrek gave him the back hand reminding barney that will was asleep in the other room. Shrek came inside of barneys hand. "Bbz" said barney."Remember the honey moon" "yeah" "lets do that but this time more chess pieces and rum bottles". Shrek got 7 horse pieces and cut open barneys clitoris and put a queen there. Barney got his dingo claws and slit shrieks penis off and replaced it with a rum bottle. Shrek cut off his ear and used it as a dildo. Shreks rum bottle dick was absorbed by leafy who was watching. Suddenly barneys stomach got huge. Then Shrek with one tear in his eye says "duz dis meen" "yas batch" said barney. They hugged because Barney was pregnant, then they fiercely started to scissor with Shreks missing Dick. "OH DUCK I THINK IMA BOUT TO CUM" "no" said Shrek "your having the baby". One by one the babies were being flung across from barneys pussy to Shreks Dick hole. As they went inside Shreks stomach. "Looks like were having twins" said Shrek.

The fun is never ogre

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