The wedding

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Barney was wearing the gayest and the most queer outfit ever. Shrek was wearing a cum white dress. After the *I do's* and the party Barney was washing his hands until Bill Cosby walked with Shrek. The three looked at each other and got naked. Bills 4 meter penis was cut in half by Barney. Barney shoved 2 meters of cock in his nostril. Shrek cut off his nipples and shoved the nips up his belly button. Bill cut off his left ass cheek and flushed it down the fucking plumb pipe. Bill and Barney started making out. Shrek bent down under Bill and Barney and cut off the testicles of Bill and placed them on the two tongues that were making out. Bills and Barney's tongue started swerving around the cut off testies. Shrek fucking blew his black seamen out of his nose and spread all over Bills face, the seamen slowly and gently peeled off his skin then Bill cut his tongue off,slit his neck, and died. Barney recorded the whole thing and put it on YouTube where it got 1,000,000,000,000 views,1,000,000,000,000,003 likes,and 0 views.

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