Chapter II: hidden truths

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It was a hot summer day. Barney and will Smith were just doin normal mother and daughter things, eating each other out, while sheen was fucking a cold one with the boys. Shriek came home at 11:59 pm. He walked into the house just to see an aggivated Barney waiting On the couch. "Where were you" asked Barney "don't worry barney-bluewaffle" explained shrek " I was just fucking the boys virgin anal cavities". Then barney used his penis vision and asked "What's that in your dickhole" "n-nothing" stuttered shrek. Then Barney slapped off shreks panties and looked in his dickhole, and what he found was shocking. "WHAT THE FUCK" yelled Barney "L-listen honey, I-I can explain" said Shrek nervously "YOUVE BEEN HIDING WEED IN YOUR DICKHOLE AND DIDNT SHARE" yelled Barney "AIGHT LIL NIGGA WE GON SMOKE DAT SHIAT RITE NOW". Barney got his brass knuckles and beat the weed out of shreks dockhole. Shrek started blushing.......shreks hard. Barney stuck a pipe cleaner up his ass and started smoking 1/3 of the weed. Then the pipe cleaner gave gave the rim of Barneys anus a rash. " Can you lick the rash off my ass" " ho I been waiting for u ask since I married you".  Barney, who's higher than his dick, spread his asscheeks. Shrek got his salivary tounge and slowly lapped around shreks anal cavity. Shreks taste buds can feel the little wrinkles on the anus. Shrek got faster and faster until he started doin 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,069 laps per milisecond. He went so fast the rash pimples popped and the bulbous puss busted from the pimples into shreks pores. "FUCK ME LIKE A LIL WITE BOI WOULD" said barney. Them barney and started fucking missionary. But shrek forgot he hid cocaine in his cum. Then shrek bust cocaine inside Barneys purple PUSSY and the suddenly Barney had his period and came blood and kidney stones, which only means one thing.....his pregnancy was due.

- To Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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