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In star bucks. Shrek got on one knee and purposed. "Yes" Barney said. Barney got the onion ring and slathered grease all over is gay ass. Shrek blushed. Shrek and Barney jumep on the fucking table. Barney started licking Shreks chest gentley and slowly. Then they both rushed to bathroom where they met their best friend Michael Jordan. Michael got his 4 cenimeter penis out then cut it off and ate it. Barney then bit of Shreks left testicle and put his 5 fingers in shreks testicle hole. Michael blew seamen out of his ass and drowned himself. Barney took his 5 fingers out Shreks testicle hole. Barneys Dick turned into a vagina so did Shreks. They started sissoring while having a period. When they cummed red and white liquids flew everywhere, some of it landed in the cashiers mouth and she choked. A 190 inch dick grew out of Shrek and barneys vagina then they shot everybody in starbucks and waddled away.

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