The middle

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It's been three days since Shrek and Barney fucked. They were at the classiest restaurants ever McDonalds. Shrek was eating a crispy one hundred piece mcnuggets meal while Barney slurped on an ice cream cone. Shrek saw Barney furiously lick his ice cream cone and said "that will be my dick in a minute" "okay" Barney said. They both went to the bathroom. When they entered the bathroom they saw their friend John Cena who knew instantly what they were going to do and joined. Shreks penis was still 10 inches from the last time Barney and him had fun but he regrew it in 3 seconds. John Cena put his 90 inch dick through Barney's ass hole, it was so long the tip if the penis came out of Barney's mouth. Shrek bit off Johns testicles, John blushed. Barney pulled out his 16 inch dick and got a knife and slit the slot in the head of his penis so it could open more. Then Barney cut off Shreks middle finger and put it in the more open slot in the head of his dick and put his whole dick in Shreks eye slot and knocked the eyeball out. John cumed in Barney's mouth cut his 90 inch dick off and jumped out the window. Barney and Shrek were still having fun. Barney stopped fuckin Shrek in the eye hole and bended over. Shrek got the knife and cut off Barney's tail and shoved it up Barney's rectum. Shrek got his dick and cumed in Barney's ass. Barney needed something to wipe his ass with so he cut off the waiters head rubbed it all in his bouncy ass cheeks and then took a giant bloody fucking dump on the waiters corpse. But the fun wasn't over yet.

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