Chapter 3

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Brody walked me to class, and kissed me quickly before walking away. I took my usual seat in front of my friend, Ashley. Kara sat beside me and Marc was behind her. The four of us were pretty much inseparable.

"So, looks like someone had a good date after blowing me off on Saturday," Kara looked back at Marc.

I stuck my tongue out at them. I finally got the reaction I'd wanted since Friday. My tongue caused quite the stir before the bell rang.

Kara grabbed me as soon as the bell rang and demanded details, even though we'd spent an ungodly amount of time on the phone yesterday. I asked her if she'd be up to helping me do something in study hall, that was probably a bit devious, and she said of course. I was happy that I could let Ryan know by the end of the day his little problem should be taken care of. I just hoped I wasn't starting something I didn't want to be in the middle of.

"So, Brody asked me to the prom," I made sure I said it just loud enough for Brianna to hear me. "He said that he hadn't asked anyone, and apologized for such short notice."

"But, your mom will love taking you shopping," Kara was following my lead.

"Yep, we're actually going to go tomorrow. She can't wait," I glanced over, and Brianna was listening, trying to pretend she was reading a book while she twirled a bit of what had to be fake blond hair around her finger.

"I guess Sean's taking Macy, isn't he?" Kara was doodling on her paper, trying to keep from laughing. "What about Nate? Is he actually taking someone or is he going alone so he can try to dance with everyone?"

"I think he's taking Eden. He's actually gone out with her a few times, some kind of record I think," I was working up to the best part. "Ryan's going with Madison, so now they've all got someone."

Brianna waited for a like a split second, then slammed her book closed. She walked up to the teacher to ask something then huffed out of the room. Kara and I dissolved into laughter. I sent a text to Brody, which was forbidden, but I didn't want to wait. Mission accomplished.

"Going to start dragging me out to the lacrosse games?" Kara was twirling some of her hair. I knew she wouldn't mind going out to watch the guys play.

"Probably. I'd have to go anyway to watch Sean, but cheering on a boyfriend is an added bonus," there was a response to my text. I hope he didn't get in trouble. "Oh, hey, all the news has been about me today, how'd it go with Jesse on Saturday?"

"He's a jerk," she rolled her eyes. "I'm over that. Kept trying to get me into different rooms in those houses so he could grope me. Ugh. I want more than that you know?"

"Don't we all," I put my phone away. "So, who now?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Maybe I'll just do the group thing for awhile. Maybe I can even convince you to talk Brody into joining us. I mean, I bet you have a lot of restrictions on you, huh?"

"They're not that bad. Family dinner through the week, he can drive me home from school, movies on Friday at either my house or his house, and Saturday is a real date. I don't get to see him on Sundays though," I rattled off the rules really quickly.

"Damn, seriously? That's more than I could ever hope for. Think you guys would want to join all of us this weekend?"

"I'll ask him," with a sigh, I pulled out some homework and was actually productive. Kara and I had dance team practice after school, and I wasn't sure how long that would take. It was usually an hour and a half.

Just as school ended, Brody was groaning over lacrosse practice. I reminded him I had dance team practice, and he said he'd come watch when he was done. I had been dancing since I was four, and I loved it. That was actually how Kara and I met. It was the sort of instant friendship that you read about. We were both sent to the same private elementary school, and then high school. We met Ashley sometime in middle school and Marc had always been with us. Sometimes it was good to have a guy around who just wanted to be friends. Of course, we had to listen to his endless whining about girls, and how everyone thought he was either dating one or all of us, or that he had to be gay. To be honest, I wasn't sure who was a bigger player, Marc or Nate.

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