Chapter 5

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Saturday I was practicing with Dad, trying to get my control down. He wanted to make sure that like if I was ever handcuffed somewhere I would be able to manipulate a key or something into the lock to get myself out. That's an image I wanted, me tied up or kidnapped. Thanks, Dad. When he released me, I was pretty out of it and wanted to lay down and take a nap. Brody was going to be over later to take me out, and the last thing I wanted to was to fall asleep on him.

After I was awake and showered, I took forever picking out what I wanted to wear. Finally settling on jeans and a nice shirt, Brody had agreed to do the group thing tonight, even though I told him he didn't have to. I made my way downstairs to wait for him, and ran into Sean in the family room.

"I have a favor to ask," Sean said. "Since prom is next week, think you could show me a couple of dance moves so I don't totally embarrass myself?"

"Didn't you dance at the homecoming dance?" I was already looking through the CDs. He'd probably never ask this kind of thing again.

"Yeah, but this is different," he tried to give me a pleading look but I just rolled my eyes. "Oh, come on, help me."

I started the CD. "Fine, come over here. No slow songs with you though. That's weird."

"I did cotillion, with all the other guys, we know how to slow dance," Sean walked over to me. "What do I do?"

"Follow my lead for once in your life," I let the music lead me. Sean tried his best to keep up, and by the second song, he wasn't doing so bad. "I think you'll be ok."

"You are in so much trouble at the prom," I heard Nate's voice and we looked over to see him and Brody standing in the doorway to the family room. He was there to pick up Sean, they were doubling for the evening.

"I knew that the first time I watched her at dance team practice," Brody told him. "They didn't show us that stuff at cotillion."

"You know, I think I'll just take my chances," Nate said. "You ready, Beamin?"

"I need to change," Sean said. "What time did you tell Eden you were picking her up?"

"We've got time for you to go get pretty," Nate sat down. "I'll wait for you, darling."

"Thanks, baby," Sean disappeared from the room. If I live to be 150, I'll never understand the relationship those two have.

"I'm ready," I looked at Brody. "You guys have fun tonight," I said to Nate.

"Thanks, you too," he smiled at me. "See you guys later."

"Later," Brody said as he took my hand. "So, what fun and exciting activity does Kara have planned for everyone?"

"Adventure Park," I smiled. "Is that ok?"

"Sounds good actually," Brody stopped me as soon as we were outside the house so he could kiss me. "When are we meeting them?"

"We have time to stop for food if that's what you want to know," so didn't want him to let me go.

"Yep, that's exactly what I wanted to know," he opened the door to his Jeep and let me in. "Any suggestions?"

"I want a burger, if that's ok," I waited until he'd jumped in to answer him. "Dad had me practicing a long time today and it drained me. I got a nap, but didn't get anything to eat.

"You are totally a girl after my own heart," he started the Jeep. "I think bacon cheeseburgers are something I could eat every day for the rest of my life and die a happy man."

We ate, and he had his bacon cheeseburger, and indeed did seem to be much happier. Funny how that worked, but who was I to complain? I liked him happy, and with that big goofy grin on his face. The conversation was good as we drove out to Adventure Park to meet up with everyone. Marc had likely driven most of the group, he'd turned sixteen at the beginning of the month, and his over indulgent parents had bought him a brand new BMW.

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