Chapter 10

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I had talked to Kara after Brody left. She asked me what was up with the girl at the game, and I told her it just seemed to be someone wanting to cause trouble, maybe even Taylor had put her up to it. Kara totally believed me, because I told her I'd talked to Brody for a long time. Plus she said she could tell just from the way he looked at me that he was a goner as far as I was concerned.

Friday ended my new favorite way: me sitting cuddled up to Brody attempting to watch movies in between kissing. I thought one day we may actually watch a movie, but with knee buckling kisses, why would you want to?

Saturday started way too early. Kara and her mom picked me up so we could get to the meet. Mom said she was going to make Sean come and watch too, guilting him if she had to because I went to all of his games. Brody promised he'd be there, so when I saw my entire family, including Nate, sitting in the stands, I wasn't really shocked.

"Is Sean blackmailing Nate? That if he has to be here, he wants company?" Kara snickered to herself. "I figured Brody would be enough company."

"You can't tell a soul," I drew Kara away from everyone. "I mean that. Swear to me."

"I swear," Kara crossed her heart. "When have I ever told something you told me in confidence?"

"Never," I admitted. And she hadn't. This girl was a vault, unless it was something that needed to be spread. "Nate's living with us now."

"I've heard rumors about his sister, I mean, she has a pretty bad reputation," Kara said. "So, I'm guessing it has something to do with her." I nodded. "Poor guy. I won't tell anyone until you say it's ok. How long?"

"Just this week, but he'll be there until graduation," I looked around to make sure no one was listening to us. "So, now I have two brothers."

"Now you know my pain," Kara rolled her eyes.

"Hey," Ressa, another girl on our dance team walked up to us. "We're having to change songs. Another school is doing the one we ere going with."

"So much for They Might Be Giants," I groaned. I liked that song.

"Yep, we're doing Peek-A-Boo," Reesa said.

"I love that song. When are we up?" Kara asked.

"Next," Ressa led us back over to the rest of the group.

Peek-A-Boo was going to be the main song we did, we had a few others, but that one was our best. It always seemed that routine was over quickly, and I totally noticed the look on Brody's face when we were done. It's a rather sexy dance, so I also noticed Sean and Nate giving my poor boyfriend a hard time. He didn't seem to mind, so that's good.

We did really well at the meet. Brody got permission to drive me home, and that made me happy. When I got inside though, I showered and then fell on my bed and fell asleep. I'm not sure how long I had been asleep when Mom came in and woke me up. She said it was time to start getting ready for the prom. Thank goodness that she was doing my hair and make up for me, because I'm not really that great with it.

"Hey," Sean knocked and stuck his head in the door. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I hadn't changed yet, but knew Mom would be rushing me in a few minutes. "What's up?"

"Be alert tonight, you're going to get another power. I just had a vision and told Dad. He told me to come tell you," Sean closed the door and sat on my bed. "He said for you to stick close to Brody all night, and if you dance with anyone else, it should be me or Nate. That's it."

"Holy crap, at prom? I get another power?" I was holding my dress and almost dropped it.

"Yeah, I'm not sure which one. You also need to make sure you have your phone with you, because you'll need to call dad, it's connected to how you get it," Sean told me.

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