Chapter 8

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"Hi," Brody greeted me as soon as I got out of Sean's Range Rover. I was so glad to see him.

"Hi, yourself," I pulled him into a hug. "Why am I overwhelmed with a desire to cut school today?"

"What?" he didn't look as shocked as he tried to sound.

"I want time with you," I shrugged and took the hand he stretched out to me so we could walk into school.

"You'll get it Friday night," Brody kissed me at my locker. "I promise."

Lunch came pretty fast. I drug Kara and Marc over to sit with Brody because I wanted to sit with both groups. Nate walked over and took his usual seat beside Sean, but didn't have any food.

"Well, I broke up with Eden, and it ended up getting nasty," he sighed. I wanted to hug him again.

"He's so broken right now, isn't he?" I whispered to Brody.

"You and Sean need to be there for him," he whispered back and kissed me on my head. "He needs a family. Yes, he's very broken."

"Nasty how?" Sean asked. "Go get something to eat, Mom'll yell at you."

"I'll take it," Nate shrugged.

Sean got up and came back with a burger. He dropped in front of Nate. "Eat."

"Why will your mom yell at Nate for not eating?" Kara asked me.

"Sometimes Sean calls Susanne Mom," I hoped Kara wouldn't question.

"Oh," she took another sip of her drink. "No shock him dumping Eden."

"So, I told her that I wasn't feeling it any more, hadn't been for awhile," Nate began. "And she got all huffy with me. I told her I'd still take her to prom, since I'd asked and all. It was when she got whiney about how this was going to look on her that I told her I knew what she'd been saying about me, and that she should have just bowed out gently."

"What had she been saying?" here I am whispering to Brody again.

"That she was going to use him like he'd used all those other girls. Only, he's not really used them. And if he was willing, how do you use him?" Brody was looking a little angry. I'm sure he was just mad for his friend. "What'd she say?"

"Dude, she said I should be flattered," Nate snorted. "Seriously? So, I'm not going to prom."

"Yes you are," Sean said. "What else are you going to do?"

Nate shrugged. "Don't make me go, ok? Can we talk later?"

"If you don't go, then she wins in a way," Sean looked like he wanted to hit someone.

"You sure picked a good day to bring us over to this table," Kara was loving this. "Sean and Nate crack me up so much."

"They are like an old married couple," I tried not to giggle. I was afraid of Sean.

The rest of the day wasn't quite as exciting. I had a test in history, which I'm pretty sure I aced. I was afraid of not keeping my grades up. I'm sure one of the first things that would go would be all my time with Brody. That would suck.

Practice was exhausting. I really wanted to be able to go out and watch the guys, but it wasn't going to happen. Word at spread about the college scouts being there on Thursday, so Coach cancelled practice for that day, knowing we'd all like to go watch the lacrosse game.

I decided to shower at home, and I hoped Brody wouldn't object to me stinking up his Jeep again. I practically stumbled out of the gym. The guys were still practicing, so I took a quick shower after all and ran out to watch the end of it. I was at all of Sean's games, so I knew how rough they could be. The coach had them scrimmaging, and no one was holding back. I watched as Sean ran down the field trying to find either Nate or Brody. Finally he found Brody open, got the ball to him, and Brody was able to run it down and score. I could see why someone would want them, they were seamless together.

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