Chapter 18

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In the time leading up to my birthday, we saw no demons. Finn sent us home by two like every night, and some nights cancelled our patrols all together. Dad used the nights that we didn't patrol to teach me how to track paranormal things. He taught me how to look at signs, unusual storms, animal deaths, people acting strangely, and watch them closely over a few days to see if it was a fluke, or if there might be something there. We couldn't find anything in Frederick or Gettysburg, and that worried us. The demons were laying low, biding them time for something.

As much as I hated to admit it, and I wouldn't have said anything out loud, I was happy for this bit of time off and extra sleep. The grades I was bringing home on my papers and tests were making my dad very happy. He kept saying he knew I could do this program. I just knew that I had to keep my grades up or I'd not be allowed to see Brody as much as we were used to. So, I had Keegan and Marc over a lot so we could study. I figured if I was going to have all these excellent grades, then they were too.

Before I knew it, it was my birthday. My party was that night, but I did have to go hunting after the party, so they let me sleep late. I was grateful for that. I'd finished most of my homework the night before, but I still had a little to knock out, so before I let anyone know I was awake, I finished it up. Then showered and made my appearance downstairs.

"We've been waiting for you," Dad said. "Keep us waiting, do you think it's your birthday or something?" He grinned at me. Sometimes it was really annoyed how much he and Sean were alike. From looks to mannerisms.

"Well, actually," I sat down at the kitchen table. "Now that you mention it, I do feel a bit more mature."

"Still not as mature as me," Sean said. "Ready for your party?"

"Ready for something," I accepted the plate Dad handed me. I was hoping it was pancakes. His were killer, and I always requested them for my birthday.

"What's this?" there was a small box sitting on the plate instead of food. "I'm hungry."

"Open it, and then you can eat," Dad said. Mom had joined him and was standing with her arms around him.

"Yeah, he's made us wait too, get on with it," Nate's stomach was growling. "We've been up forever, what were you doing?"

"A history paper," I picked up the box and shook it. "Some of us have class."

"That doesn't even need a response," Sean ducked out of the way as I tried to hit him. "Open the darn box, brat!"

I didn't want anyone getting mad at me, so I opened the box. Inside was a set of keys staring up at me. Instead of the convertible that I wanted, they were to a Range Rover. I wondered if it was like Sean's.

"Now, before you object," Dad started, "I know you wanted a convertible, and I did think about it. But, ultimately, I thought you'd be safer in the SUV, not to mention, it couldn't handle what Gannon wanted to do to it."

"What do you mean?" I looked up at Dad.

"Come on, your mom is going to start breakfast while we go look at it," Dad led the way out of the house.

Sean and Nate followed. I beeped the Range Rover open, and Dad opened the back. He lifted the floor of the back storage, and revealed a place for weaponry. There was a sword there, a gun, some holy water, and a cross. I saw a place for another sword, probably the one I used, and even my dagger if I needed it. Sean and Nate both whistled at it.

"Gannon did that?" I asked.

"I sure did," my godfather stepped around. "Happy birthday, Princess," he hugged me. "I also have this for you." He handed me a box. "Open it, you'll need it tonight." I opened the box and saw that it was a new sheath for my dagger. "It goes around your thigh so you can conceal it under a dress." I blushed a bit. "Sorry, didn't mean to embarrass you. We just want you well armed."

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