Is It Just Me, Or Is He Gayer Than Elton John?

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No one can say anything before the door gets slammed open by what looked like a child's drawing of a black ghost outlined in red for his eyes and jagged mouth. A small white diamond was in each of his red eyes as pupils. He sweeps into the room, followed meekly by a rectangular... calculator? "MeTtA, dOn'T jUsT wAiT fOr ThE dOoR tO bE oPeNeD fOr YoU lIKe A wImP! i'Ve BeEn TeLlInG YoU tO aSsErT yOuRsElF cOnFiDeNtLy!"

The calculator, (Metta was it?), rubs the back of his 'head' sheepishly and shrugs with his two sets of arms. "Blooky, I don't think that that's the proper or polite way to behave. You can't just barge in uninvited! You could get impaled on sight..." You take a closer look at Metta as he stops with his ghost friend infront of the couch. He had a small attached to a pole for a leg and he had two sets of metal noodle arms. Gloves were on each hand all the way up to the elbow like so many others that you've met. The top set had crimson gloves while the bottom set was a canary yellow. He was mostly made up of dark metal with a large checkered display screen with a black smiley face emoji on a yellow background. Half of the display screen and the top of his 'head' had a large crack going down and splintering of into smaller cracks, distorting the smiley face a bit. He also had a few nobs, dials, and buttons below the display screen. And... was that a switch on his back?

You get brought back to the conversation by the ghost. (Blooky?) "DoN'T cAlL mE tHaT!! i HaTe ThAt StUpId NiCkNaMe, MeTtAtOn! I'vE tOlD yOu To CaLl Me NaPsTaBlOoK! nOt BLOOKY! AnYwAy, I dOn'T hAvE tO wOrRy AbOuT GeTtInG iMpAlEd BeCaUsE gHoStS cAn'T bE kIlLeD. yOu ShOuLd KnOw ThAt BeTtEr ThAn MoSt..."

At that last comment, Mettaton leans forward and his 'face' changes to a sad emoji. "I never asked for this body... I've told you that a hundred times already..."

Napstablook huffs angerly and turns away. "I... i KnOw... SoRrY mEtTa..."

Mettaton's 'face' changes to a sad but smiling emoji as he turns to Napstablook and hug him tightly. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite cousin!"

The grumpy ghost blushes a hazy red. "HuMpH! oF cOuRsE i Am! MaD wOnT tAlK tO uS aNyMoRe!"

Mettaton just laughs, which had a sad ring to it, and turns back to the awkward audience on the couch and gains an apologetic looking emoji on his screen. "I'm terribly sorry about that! We seem to have forgotten that we came here for a reason." He turns to look at you as he clasps both sets of hands together and his normal smiley emoji comes back. "Hello human! May I ask what your name is?"

You flush and lean into Papyrus who wraps a protective arm around you as you fiddle with Sans' bony fingers. "Oh! I-It's Y/n L/n."

Mettaton claps his hands together and coos at you. "Oh! What an adorable name! And two of them as well! Just like the king! I guess that humans have to have two names because of their insurmountable strength!" He rolls forward and begins to pet your long h/c hair. "And you're so pretty too! Sweety, I must dress you up sometime!" Napstablook rolls his eyes and goes to peruse the lone bookshelf on the aquatic woman's wall.

That was cool with you. You loved to shop, but unfortunately, you had a college student's budget. Meaning that you were most fluent in the 'Broke' dialect. Very ancient.

You smile up at the robot that was now caressing your face. "I'd love that! Sometime later alright? You seem like a person who knows their silks from their satins!"

Mettaton squeals and reaches forward to pluck you up from the filthy couch to clutch you closely to his display screen and dials. This causes Sans to tumble from your lap and into some take out boxes next to the couch and Flowey to quickly slither off of your shoulder to land on the cushion where you were. "You are just too cute! Undyne!" He turns to the lazy fish monster who was lounging amoungst the garbage luxuriously. (How the fuck can she practically bathe herself in filth and still smell like waterlily's!?) "Can I keep her? I want to keep her!"

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