A Fish's Betrayal And Dinosaurs That Would Look Fabulous In A Straight Jacket

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The first thing that you noticed was the constant beeping.

Like in a hospital, but without all of the antiseptic smelling sheets and busy foot-traffic outside of your room.

The uncomfortable bed and having several tubes connected to you were the same though.

You shift a bit. Wait a minute! This was WAY too uncomfortable to be a hospital bed, and that's saying something!

You're on an exam table.

You shift again and find out that your hands, feet, and head are strapped down to the table.

Remembering your last few minutes of consciousness, you begin to panic and pull at your restraints. That bitch! You had really thought that she was your friend! And whatever happened to Blooky? She must have contained him somehow. Or was he working for her? No. He cares for Mettaton too much to betray him like that. Wait! Mettaton! And the others! Where were they!?

You look around the best you can with your head strapped to the exam table. You were in what looked like a mad scientist's laboratory. The machines that you were hooked up to you showed readings of HP, EXP, LV, LM, and DETERMINATION. There was also a rotating 3D diagram of your violet heart, which Flowey had told you was your soul. Apparently, you were 21/25 with HP, 0 EXP, 2 LV, 180 LM, and 250 DETERMINATION. What the fuck all that means, you have no idea.

You gasp when you finally catch a glimpse of someone. It was a figure that was dimly glowing a bluish purple. He was suspended in a glass test tube filled with some sort of green jello-like substance and there were tons of different kinds of tubes that he was hooked up to.

You felt sick realization creep upon you.


His flames were out and his glow was so dim! Not like the usual brightness that you were accustomed to! Was he dead!? NO! If your head was free, you would have shaken it. He was still glowing, no matter how dim! That's got to mean that he was still alive, right?

With a renewed sense of panicked vigor, your eyes frantically whip around the lab, eventually spotting everyone. Mettaton was shut down and looked a bit scuffed up. He was hanging from two chains that were connected to his arms. His chest plate was open and there were wires that he was hooked up to. Sparks would fly every so often, causing the robot to jerk and sizzle. It must be hurting him! You squeeze your eyes shut before looking some more. Papyrus and Sans were disassembled bone by bone and each bone was lined up and labeled. There were different vials with different colored liquids in them and some of them looked as if someone had gotten a dropper and dripped some liquids on each bone. Some slightly eroded some bones while others seemingly did nothing. Flowey was strapped to a much smaller exam table and a strange animal skull looking device was positioned over him. It didn't look like it had been activated yet, but it was set up to do so at a moments notice.

You felt like you were going to throw up.

You struggle some more. You had to get out and save everyone! This CAN'T be the way you die! Not now! You want to make it back to the surface! You want to show your dear monsters the wonders of the world! But you can't do any of that if you're trapped here!

Unbeknownst to you, the DETERMINATION on one of the machines was increasing to 260, 297, 348, 400- and it kept on going.

You thrashed and twisted in your bindings. The person who had tied you up must not have taken into account of just how strong you were now because after a few more tugs, you rip yourself from the examination table and fall to the floor. You groan and grit your teeth, but you steel yourself and stand up. You wobble and have to grab hold of Flowey's exam table before you topple over again. You shake your head but shiver soon after and rub at your arms, quickly realizing that you're naked. You yelp and look around for something to wear. Luckily, your clothes and backpack were sitting in a cabinet connected to your exam table.

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