Chapter 1

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"Son," exclaims his father Harold, "You ready for today's training?!" ,
"Awww do I have to?" says Ruther.
"Yes you do... Now come with me."
"Ugh but why?"
"Because you might need this someday. You never know when it could come in handy."
"Ok fine dad. I'll go."

The two go down to the training grounds as they both grab a wooden sword and shield.
"Now then," says Harold, "show me what you got."
Ruther comes at him as he swings overhead, but Harold blocks his attack. He then swings left and his father then uses his sword to deflect his attack.
"Come on son. You can do better than that."
Ruther then jabs forward and is parried by his father. Harold then takes a swing at his son but is quickly blocked by his shield.
"Now then. Let's kick things up a notch. No holding back now."
Harold leaps forward and takes a stab at his son, but Ruther quickly dodges left from the strike. He then swings right and nearly hits his father's right side. Harold does a right upward swing at Ruther, but his son jumps back to avoid the attack. While his father's sword is in the air he takes advantage and jabs him with the wooden sword.
"Now then," Harold says as he lowers his sword and shield, "that is what I like to see from you. You're even taking down your old man. You could be a fine knight some day."
"You know what," says Ruther, "I am actually beginning to enjoy this."
"See. I knew you would eventually like it. Now then let's go back inside for some lunch."
Harold puts his arm around his son and walks inside.

The two went inside and sat down at the table. Their house servant brought them bread and an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and meats. They both smell the sweet aroma coming from the plates.
"This looks good Sheral," says Harold,"What is it?" Sheral says, "We have elk, some duck, squash, potatoes, some bread, apples, and some other things."
"Smells delicious," says Ruther as he fills his face with some elk.
"My my my, you sure have grown up," says Sheral.
"Yeah. I think he is well on his way to becoming a fit warrior," says Harold. Harold and Ruther continue to enjoy their meal as they eat away.

Night dawns as Harold is putting his son Ruther to bed.
"Goodnight son," says his father as he leaves the room and blows out the candle.
"Hey dad," says Ruther.
"Yes son?"
"I really miss mom. She has been gone for a while... Do you know where she is?"
"....Well.... all I can say is you may see her again one day."
Harold then shuts the door and goes to his room.

Harold enters his room and kneels by his bed while closing his eyes. "Brena... I know you have been gone for a long time now. I have never forgotten the night when you died. When you were shot dead by an arrow on our balcony. Ruther was just 3 years old. He sure has grown up since then. He is 11 years old now. I don't want him to go to war when he grows up, but I have a feeling it will happen. I hope whoever marries him will be a good wife for him and that he will be a good husband. I really miss you dear."
He then lays on his bed as a tear runs down his cheek.
"Sweet dreams my love."

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