Chapter 7

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"Wait wait wait. So let me get this straight. You were run out of town by a group of bandits. Then moved far away. Found this mountain. And moved inside of the mineshaft. And have lived here for 10 years," says Ruther.
"That is correct. And you are after a group called The Dark Sickle and are in here looking for a member to kill to find the next," replies Harold.
"Yes sir."
"Well I guess I could help you along your journey for this man."
"Um dad.... You don't have any weapons or armor."
Suddenly Harold removed a rock from a wall. Behind the rock is a full set of light armor, a sword, a kite shield, and a bow.
"You're old man has some tricks up his sleeve, and can still fight like he is still in his twenties, even though he is in his 50s."
Ruther stares in awe at the set of gear. "How long have you had this dad?"
"I wore it when I left town. I carved out this area of rock and have kept it behind it in case anything was to happen."
While they are talking a rock falls just outside Harold area. They both draw their sword.
"Let me go ahead while you stay a bit behind me," says Ruther.
"Be careful son."
Ruther steps outside of Harold's area and looks around while holding his torch. It falls quiet as the two scan the area for the second member. Suddenly someone jumps ontop of Ruther and tries to stab him with a dagger. Ruther cannot see the man because he is face down. Quickly Harold quivers an arrow and nails the man in the back. The man runs off before Ruther or Harold can hit him again. Ruther wields his sword and shield while Harold keeps an arrow quivered. They frantically search for the man.
They hear a deep voice that echos through the mine and says,"You both amuse me as you panic and look for me. I can sense your fear as it fills the thick air around us. You are like a wild animal surrounded by a pack of wolves, full of anxiety as it hopelessly awaits its death. Although this time there is only one. One single man awaiting the perfect moment to strike his prey as he stalks through the shadows of the unknown. You Harold may know this mine very well, but I know it even better, bug don't worry, your son will be dead soon, and you won't have to worry about him any longer."
A dark shadow dashes across Ruther's view, but is gone just as quick. Harold hears something swiftly move behind him, but turns around to see nothing there. Harold and Ruther get closer together to avoid being separated from the other. Suddenly the dark figure dashes past Ruther and slices his right arm. Ruther holds it in pain but quickly recovers. It sprints past Harold and cuts his lower leg, causing him to fall. Ruther turns around to see the damage done to Harold, but keeps up his guard.
The voice speaks again,"I will make sure that your death is slow and painful, so that you shall suffer in the flesh while knowing you couldn't save your dear wife."
While Ruther is looming around the man he grabs Harold and covers his mouth while holding a dagger to his neck.
Ruther screams at him,"Let him go or I will make your death just the same!" The man speaks,"You think you can kill me. I laugh at your pathetic words foolish child. But if you want to die then so be it."
The man then lifts the dagger up and stabs Harold right in his heart. He lets Harold fall to the floor as blood begins to spill on the floor.
Ruther begins to cry while in anger and says to the man,"You'll pay for that."
Ruther charges at the man with an overhead swing and the man blocks it with his dagger. As soon as he blocks the attack he kicks Ruther in the stomach as he flies back.
"Come on Ruther. I know you can do better." Ruther releases a battle cry and runs back at the man. He swings left as the man moves back and jumps forward, slicing Ruther's shoulder. The man jabs forward with one of his daggers, but Ruther parries it and knocks it out of his hand. The man ignores the dagger and begins to use his other one. He uses his left leg to knock Ruther on the ground. While on the ground the man tries to stab Ruther in the heart, but Ruther rolls right to avoid it. As soon as he rolls Ruther slices the man's right ankle as he falls. While on the ground Ruther quickly tries to stab him, but the man uses his dagger to block his attack. The two weapons lock as they try to push their own weapon towards the other. The man's dagger gets closer and closer to Ruther as he struggles to keep it away. Suddenly Ruther pushes forward with Haruth, breaking the lock, and pulls out his dagger and throws it at the man. The dagger lands in the man's heart as he slowly dies kneeled over.
While he kneels Ruther stands over him and says,"You may be a difficult opponent, but evil shall never win against me."
Ruther then raises his sword and stabs the man right in his heart. The man immediately dies and collapses to the ground.
Ruther searches his body and finds a note saying,"The cries of fallen men are heard all around, as their screams fill the night sky. The guardian of clues lies in the land of spilled blood and broken swords."
Ruther thinks for a minute and his eyes grow wide when he thinks of the answer and says,"T...the battle grounds."

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