Chapter 6

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It took weeks to travel to the mountain, and it is now in the dead of winter. Snow falls all around as it covers the trees, plants, and ground in a sheet of white. Luckily Ruther packed some warmer clothing for his journey. He makes his way through the woods while surviving off of a large quantity of provisions he had packed along with some more things found along the way. Finally he reaches the base of the mountain. "This may take a while, but it will be worth it in the end."
He begins his long climb up by following the old path that was built for the miners.

Several hours pass before he reaches the entrance of the mine.
"Well atleast it will be warmer inside." Ruther enters the mineshaft, picks up an extinguished torch and lights it, and begins his search for the second member of The Dark Sickle.
Inside the mineshaft there are many stalagmites and stalactites, crystals of many shapes and sizes that glisten in the torch light, a couple skeletons here and there that still have some of the mining clothing on them, bats, and many other things. Suddenly Ruther hears... singing within the mine. It sounds like the voice of an old man. He draws his sword and slowly creeps towards the voice. There is a light coming from a section of the mine that is far away from the entrance. He peaks around the corner and there, siting on the floor with a campfire alight, is a man. He looks at him and notices he is not a member of The Dark Sickle and is deeply puzzled at this sight. He appears to have no weapons on him at all and looks quite friendly.
Ruther speaks up and says, "Who are you?"
The old man jumps around, frightened at the sight of Ruther in his armor and gear saying, "Please don't hurt me!"
Ruther sheaths his sword and says, "I do not wish to harm you. I am looking for a man."
"What kind of man are you looking for in here? There is nobody in here but me to my knowledge."
"I am looking for a member of a group of assassins called The Dark Sickle. Have you seen one?"
"Never heard of such a thing and you are the first person I have seen in years."
"What is your name?"
"The name's Harold. And what is yours?"
"My name is Ruther."
"Wait... you said Ruther?"
"Yes sir."
The man gets up and walks over to Ruther, closely observing him.
"What are you doing," says Ruther. "Son?"
"Did you just call me son?"
The man replies,"Look closely at my face Ruther."
Ruther looks carefully at his face and eyes.
" Is that you?"
"Yes it is son."
Ruther suddenly hugs his dad Harold very tightly and begins to cry on his shoulder. Harold hugs him back and rubs his back.
"Glad to see you're still alive," says Harold.
"I can't believe you're alive as well. I have missed you so much."
"What are you doing up here son?" "The same goes to you dad. What are you doing living up here?"
"Well son. I think we both have some explaining to do. Come with me and we will settle everything out."
The two walk over to a section that Harold had made for living space. It has a tent made up of wood and animal skins and fur. There is also a pillow made of fur stuffed with bird feathers. There is blanket is also made of fur.
"You must have become a good hunter out here," says Ruther.
"Well when you live in the wild you have to know how to survive and make things. Luckily I was raised in the hunter lifestyle as a boy, as well as in the art of combat like you."
"There must be alot I don't know about you dad."
"More than you think boy... More than you think."
The two laugh and enjoy a meal that Harold had cooked for them as they are reunited after 20 years.

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