Chapter 10

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After a little over a week of traveling Ruther returns home. He goes back home to refuel himself and grab anything else he would need. He resharpens his blades and grabs a new set of light armor. Tonight would be a full moon, and Ruther knew it. "I'm coming for you Mallory," says Ruther as he sharpens Haruth on a grindstone,"We will be together soon." He cooks himself some venison, along with an assortment of vegetables. After his meal he sits on the back porch and watches the sun go down, awaiting the arrival of the moon. He lets out a sigh as the whole journey rushes through his mind. Finally the sun sets and the moon begins to rise. "It is time," says Ruther. He slides Haruth into its sheath, places the shield on his back, and slides the daggers into two small leather sheaths on his sides. He gets up from his chair and looks at the empty chair beside of him.
"You'll be sitting here again by tomorrow morning my dear."
He smiles as a tear runs down his cheek. He walks through the house, out the front door, and heads for the cemetery.

Ruther arrives at the cemetery under the light of a full moon. He looks around for any places or locked tombs that stand out. He searches all over until one tomb stands out. It is a small tomb with two torches alight near its door.
He brushes off the name above the door and it reads,"Resting Place of The Great Knight."
"I wonder if this is it," says Ruther.
He sees a lock on the outside of the tomb and puts the key in. He turns the key as he hears a click. The key is removed as the stone door slides down to reveal a staircase going downwards.
"So that is why nobody ever opens this tomb."
Ruther grabs a torch from the wall inside and descends the staircase. The walls, stairs, and ceiling are made of some kind of black stone. The stairwell is tight with little room for arm movement. Ruther then reaches the bottom of the stairwell. He looks forward to see an extremely large room. Torches are alight all over the place on columns extending from floor to ceiling. The floor is also made of the same kind of stone. Extending from wall to wall is a small stream of water that flows in from the left and out go the right. A small wooden bridge, painted red and black, goes across the stream. In the far right and left corners are a small gated section that appears to be a garden of a large variety of herbs and plants. In the far middle section of the wall there is a blacksmith's forge, complete with an anvil, tanning rack, smelter, cooling trough, and a grindstone, as well as a large variety of metals. Chained to the ceiling from the top of it is a cage with Mallory inside. No members are in sight, so Ruther becomes very suspicious and draws his sword. He slowly creeps towards the cage while looking all around him. All is quiet as be looks around for a way to reach her.
As he looks at the cage he hears an extremely deep and booming voice, almost demonic sounding, behind him say,"A wonderful performance Ruther. I am impressed by your abilities."
Ruther quickly turns around to look at him. His face cannot be seen as it is covered in black, but with no veil. He has the same robes, but on the front there is a red sickle painted on the chest area. He has two sickles, one red and one black with a line of bright silver spiraling up the blade. Attached to the end of each hilt are long and wide but thin strips of silk, both are colored silver.
He speaks again,"I see you have reached our lair. No man before you has ever accomplished this task. They are always so strong in war, but when up against this they all fall, but you have surpassed all of my men. Here before me is a true warrior both in heart, mind, and body. Now then for the true test."
"What kind of test," says Ruther.
"You shall see," replies the man.
He then pulls a lever and two corpses drop to the ground. They are the corpses of Harold and Carlos.
"These two men here lie dead because of your inability to save them from your determination to complete your quest. Your best friend lies here lifeless, while you remain an orphan and stare at your father over taken from death. It is your fault they are dead Ruther. All because of your selfish decision to go on this quest and not watch after them."
"No you're wrong. My friend died in war defending his country, a way he wanted to die. And my father is smiling down on me, knowing that even though he has died I have proven myself to him and have made him proud."
"If that is what you believe then so be it. Your thoughts may have power to them and are unbreakable by my words, but let us see about your metal."
The man swiftly dashes forward at Ruther and slashes at him with his right sickle. Ruther parries the sickle with his sword and bashes the man with his shield. The man is knocked back, but does not fall. Ruther then strikes upward with his sword, but the man jumps back to avoid the attack. Immediately following his dodge he swings his left sickle and nails Ruther in his right side. Ruther grunts and holds his side as the man kicks Ruther, causing him to fall back and land on his back. While Ruther is on the ground the man attempts to cut off Ruther's head, but Ruther blocks his sickle. Ruther rolls sideways and tries to get on his feet, but the man kicks him in the face. Ruther is stunned, but jabs forward in an attempt to nail the man. All he feels is air as he misses. The man kicks Haruth and knocks it out of his hand, sending it backwards quite some distance from Ruther. Ruther recovers from the kick and pulls out his dagger, keeping his shield. Ruther jabs forward at the man, nailing him in the stomach. The man lets out a quick yelp of pain but hardly reacts. Ruther then swings from side to side twice as he gets up. The man swings both sickles outwards in sync, but Ruther jumps back. While the sickles are out he jabs forward and nails the man in the heart. Blood flows out from the wound and runs down the dagger and onto the floor. The man stands still in shock as Ruther pulls the dagger out. Immediately after Ruther swings the dagger sideways and slices his throat. Blood pours from the gash in the man's neck as the man holds it.
Ruther looks right at his shadowed face and says,"Your men are dead and you will be too. The Dark Sickle shall be no more as you become one with the ground. It shall be known that I, Ruther, have put an end to this game once and for all. May you suffer for your crimes."
Ruther then kicks the man as he falls backwards and hits the ground dead. Ruther searches his corpse and finds a key. He then unlocks the cage, freeing Mallory. She falls out of the cage as Ruther catches her in his arms. He checks if she is breathing, but he sees no movement. He then checks if her heart is is silent. Ruther then begins to cry as his tears fall on her corpse. He then puts her body on his shoulders and carries her home.

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