Chapter 9

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Ruther and Phillip sat and told eachother about themselves and their own past. Ruther told him about his father, Carlos, and his wife Mallory while Phillip told Ruther about his family.
After a little while of talking Ruther stood up and said,"It was nice meeting you Phillip, but I must find this member."
"I would love to help you Ruther, but as you can see I would be nothing but cannon fodder."
"I know, but let me give something to you, I think you will appreciate this Phillip."
"What is it?"
Ruther hands him his warm clothing, enough silver to easily start a new life, and a map back to his own town. "Think of this as a second chance. A redemption and a new beginning from this tragic event. You survived it and deserve to restart."
Phillip looked at the gift Ruther has given him and falls to his knees, pouring tears of joy.
"I... I... Don't even know what to say. I cannot express my thanks enough to you Ruther. I will always remember you," says Phillip.
"You are welcome. And if I survive this quest, I'll come see you. Hope we end up living close together. And trust me, with this amount of silver and the jobs they offer in my town you will no longer be a peasant. Mabye not of royal standards, but you will live the average lifestyle of those of the middle class, atleast. Now then take off and be careful. Oh and you'll need this."
Ruther hands him one of his daggers and says,"Just incase you run into anything or need something to cut with."
"Thank you Ruther. I hope to see you again."
Phillip takes off down the road as Ruther watches him go.
"May he stay safe on his travels," says Ruther,"Alright. Time to find this third member."
Ruther begins his search of the castle. He searches all throughout the courtyard, down hallways, in rooms, but finds nobody. He then enters the royal room of where the king of the castle would be and in what is left of the throne sits a man in a dark cloak, but this time his face can be seen. He has scars all over his face. His skin is very pale and his head has little strands of hair here and there, with the majority being bald. Most of his teeth are missing, while the view that are there are a deep shade of yellow. He has a blood stained cloth covering his eyes, showing that the man is blind. Ruther is slightly unnerved by his appearance.
Suddenly the man speaks in a slow deep voice withought a movement and faces directly towards Ruther,"Ah. Our champion has arrived. I know you have taken down two other member and I have to say, I am impressed Ruther. I listened closely to your talk with the peasant and I know your weaknesses."
"My weaknesses," says Ruther,"I never told him my weaknesses, I have no weaknesses."
"Oh you fool. You do not understand my...way of thinking. I know your have no physical weaknesses because we have been watching you for a long time, since you were a child. But I know the weaknesses that pierce the flesh and the heart, but strike and rattle the soul within. You do not know the truth of your mother do you?"
"No I do not, but how would you know?"
"We have our ways. She... Died when you were just 3 years old. Shot dead on the balcony by an Archer, who was actually one of ours. We knew it would hurt your father and wanted to try to weaken him so you wouldn't become a strong knight. But that stubborn fool kept going. He hid you from where she really went so you could focus on your training and become a good fighter. The man succeeded despite our efforts to stop him. We try to stop highly skilled knights from being raised so that we can weaken the army and destroy the country. We put them through these quests to challenge them, and if they win we take it as a sign that the country needs to win, but if not our efforts continue. But we believe that will never happen. Your wife will die and you will to, just as it has always ended. She never loved you Ruther, she just wanted you for the money and fame. She is worthless to you, so why keep on going? End this pointless game Ruther, join us and our cause. We could use someone like you."
"No.. No your lying," replies Ruther,"You words may be strong, but my mind is stronger. I know you're words are false because she is always there by my side. She loves me unconditionally, even when I may get drunk from time to time and cheat on her in the process. She is always happy with me and lifts me up when I am down. She tells me when I am wrong and listens when I tell her she is wrong. We have argued, but it has been for the better. We have remained faithful to one another and stand together side by side, just as a fellow brother in war. I will not believe you and will not fall for your mind tricks."
"Very well Ruther. If you believe that then I think my work here is done. You are the first man to ever strike back at me amongst the numerous men I have faced. I think you have proven yourself very well and have defeated me."
The man places a note at his feet.
"My work here is done," says the man. He then lifts up a dagger and slits his own throat and dies in the chair as he bleeds red on his black cloak.
Ruther picks up the note and reads,"You have surpassed the fight of the body, the battle of the heart, and the war of the mind. You have proven yourself worthy. Head to the place where the bones of fallen soldiers still rattle and the agony of the dead flourishes through the veins of the living under the light of a full moon." "Ah. Quite the place to hide. Right under the noses of our grave diggers. How unexpected," says Ruther. A special key is also near the foot of the dead man. It is shaped in the form of a black sickle.
"Alright. It is time to end this and save my wife, and put a stop to The Dark Sickle."
Ruther puts the key and note in his pocket and makes his way back home to the cemetery of soldiers.

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