The last Arrival

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       You didn't know where you were going. All that you knew was that you and your sister Teresa were in a cage going up to some place. You didn't dare move, you sat there trying not to move around. Suddenly it stopped and Teresa fell to the ground. You started to whisper to her "Remember, you came For Thomas, came for Thomas. Remember Thomas."
There was finally light. You took a deep breath and looked up squinting from it's brightness.

Your vision starts to clear and there are a group of boys surrounding of all sides of the cage you were in. You look at Teresa, she was out. One jumps in the cage and looks up and says in a questioning tone

"There Girls?" You were so scared right now.

"I Call Dibs!" One calls

"Is she Pretty?" One asks

You don't remember anything besides that you were looking for a kid named Thomas. You don't even remember what he looks like. Only that his name was Thomas. You started to stand up scared and sort of shaking and asked

"Which one of you is Thomas?"

They all turned to a boy with raven black hair. You looked at him too.

"I- I have a message for you. From Them. For all of you," you took a deep breath and said "We're the last ones to come...ever" they all started to mumble against themselves.

"Do you remember anything?" One asked you. You shook your head no and said "Only that I'm here for Thomas, That's my sister, and the message." you look back to Thomas who wasn't there anymore. You knew you had to go after him. You started to run for it. Towards the forest. Hoping you would find him in there. But someone stopped you. They were holding onto your arms and pulling you back. Soon followed by others.

"No! I Have To Find Thomas! I have to fi-find Thoma..." There was a prick in your arm and After that you blacked out. You could hear someone say

"Take that one to the medjacks (sorry If that's not right. I haven't read the book in like forever), her... Put her in the slammer." After that you completely were out. You couldn't hear anything or see anything.

Time skip Brought to you by the TARDIS**************************

You start to wake up. Your head was dizzy and you were somehow tired and wanted to go to sleep. But you didn't you stayed awake trying to keep your eyes open. You noticed you were in a cage.

"Not another cage." You said to yourself. You hear someone whisper yell

"Hey!" You look up and see Thomas. You start to back away afraid he was like the others. You were against the wall hugging your knees.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. I'm not going to hurt you." You hesitated but caved in. You slowly approached him

"What do you want?!" You whisper back

"I want to get you out of here and I want a explanation" You hesitate again and finally agree. You gave him a quick nod. He started to unlock the trap door. When he opened it he grabbed your arms and pulled you out.

"Thanks" you say

"Now the explanation?"


I hope you like this! I'm sorry that it seems short but I will make the next one longer. This just seemed to be a good place to stop. So yeah. Thanks for reading! 😄😄😄

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