The Bon Fire Plans

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Thomas's POV:

I started to plan. Hours of it. Now I just need to figure out what her favorite food is... How will I do that. I need someone. Someone she would talk to. Not Teresa... I barely know her. Defiantly not Newt or Minho Or Alby. I just need someone who would do what I ask them. I can't- wait... Why didn't think of this. Like seriously, Chuck will get all the information. I just need to find him. He should be with Y/N already trying to get them a spot to sleep at in the Glade. But how will I talk to him without making it obvious to her? Just as I was asking that question Minho ran to me.

"Hey, have you seen Newt?"

"Only if you do me a favor" Minho rolls his eyes and smiles "What do you want Shuck face?" 

I want Y/N L/N, and a Rocket ship! Jk... Comment if you know what this is from😄

"I just want you to do me a little favor"

"And that is?"

"Just go get Chuck! But don't tell him that I sent you... Slint-Head" I still have not gotten used to those words.

"For what?"

"Nothing, just go get him"

He starts to wiggle his eyebrows and ask "For Y/N?" This made me blush a little bit. But everyone's faces seemed to be red today so it didn't really show. Good. I would not risk letting Minho know that I like Y/N. Because pretty soon he would start blabbering it around and make jokes about it and she would know. And I don't want her to know. Not yet.

"No! Now just go"

"Whatever" he turns around and runs away to go find Chuck. I relax a little bit but soon get stressed again. I have to still get everyone in on it, But Newts in. So that should convince most gladers.

Minho's POV:

I started to go and get Chuck. I haven't really met Y/N, let alone seen her since I have been spending most of my time in the Map Room. I bet she's not that pretty if shuck face likes her, I bet she is like one of the most- my thoughts stopped as I look at a girl talking to Chuck. She was gorgeous. I take a deep breath and walk over there trying to play cool.

"Hey Chuck" I say cooly, I think.

"Hey," he looks at Y/N who is looking at me. Then he quickly says "This is
Y/N, Greenie now, still can't believe Thomas was only the Greenie for like a day!" I give a little chuckle to that trying to still act cool.

"Minho" I hold out my hand and she takes it. I feel all tangly. My stomach feels all nervous like. Wait need to focus and get Chuck for Shuck face.

"Hey Chuck can I talk to you" Chuck glances at Y/N who motions Chuck that it's fine. I grabbed Chuck's collar and start to pull him where Thomas was. When we reach Thomas he looks up and nods that I can leave but I stay where I am. I want to be apart of the planning too so that when she found out who planned all of this... I would be the one she says thanks to and she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Those two other Shuck faces would just get a thanks.

"Earth to Minho!" Chuck waving his hand in front of my face while the other one is poking me.

"Stop that Slint-head" I say while I push away both of Chuck's hands.

"What, not my fault." Be fire things could get worse (where I would probably end up beating up Chuck... If only one of our rules was not to hurt another Glader) Thomas stands up and separates me from Chuck. While he does so he says

"You can leave" I shake my head

"No way, Slint-Head"

"Why don't you shut your shuck mouth!" Thomas seemed like he doesn't like to use the word "shuck" or at least isn't use to it yet.

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