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Thomas's POV:

I was sitting on a hammock thinking about the bonfire. I was waiting for everyone to wake. Okay so how about Frypan can cook some of her favorite foods. Um.... Yeah that sounds good. My eyes start to drift. Making me tired by the minute. Finally my eyes close. I only lay there for about 5 minutes when the sun starts to come up an Chuck is in my face.

"Hey Thomas!" He says "Guess what happened!" I start to get a little annoyed that he woke me up.

"What" I roll my eyes trying to sound like I don't really care but I still want to know. Chuck usually has pretty good information.

"You know that girl from yesterday."

"Which one?"

"The one that's in coma" I nod my head but I really don't know her at all.

"Well she keeps mumbling" I nod my head as I am interested. But I really wasn't.

"She keeps saying Your name" we just stare at each other. I shrug my shoulders and say


"So! Newt wants you to come see her!" I shake my head no but then I thought. I thought about the Greenie. This is the perfect chance to ask Newt. I quickly shake my head yes before Chuck could argue back.

"Let's go" he said motioning me to follow him. I stand up and we head for the med jacks. When we arrive Newt is standing on the steps waiting. I rush over to him.

"Took ya long enough"

"Well it took Chuck awhile to persuade me"

"Good That," he starts to climb the stairs to her room. "Well are you coming?" I nod my head. We climb the stairs to her room. When we reached the door I could already hear mumbling. I crack the door open I see a girl with black hair, pale skin, and light pink lips. I could hear and see words slipping from her mouth.

"Thomas, Thomas, Thomas..." She mumbled over and over.

"Do you know her" Newt ask. I shake my head no. Then something weird happened. She started to mumble totally different words.

"Wicked, Y/N, Thomas, last ones," she starts to squirm. She must-

"Y/N!" She suddenly says as she jolts up. Me, Chuck and Newt all jump back. She starts to get up.

"Where is she!" She now has tears in her eyes "Where's Y/N!" We look at each other confused and startled.

"It's ok we're not going to hurt you" I say as I get closer. Ah picks up the nearest thing she could find. It was a needle, with the serum.

"It's ok," I say again "This is Chuck, that's Newt, and i'm Thomas" She stops and slowly drops the needle. Out of now where She runs over and hugs me. I don't hug her back. It sure feels familiar though.

"Thomas" she said re leaved. I was stunned. I didn't know what to do so I slowly hugged her and said

"Yeah" She lets go after a few. I look over where Newt and Chuck were. They looked the same as me.

"Where's Y/N?" she said a little more come

"We don't know anyone named Y/N" Newt said. She started to panic even more. I slowly walked over to Newt and whisper

"I think she means Greenie" Newt nods.

"Come on Greenie" he says to the girl which I think her name is Teresa.

"Teresa." I say

"What?" Newt asked

"Her name," I point at Teresa "It's Teresa"

She looks at me and so does everyone else.

"How'd ya know that?" Newt asked

"Well, Greenie told me that was her sister and her name was Teresa"


"Last night"

"I'll talk to you About this later" I nod

"Wait, where are we going?"

"Paying a little visit to your sis" Teresa looked happier. Her face brightened and so did her eyes. Her Bright blue eyes. We started to make our way to the slammer. I walk over to the Greenie's one. Wait, didn't Teresa say that her name was Y/N? I'm pretty sure. That's a beautiful name. Suits her well. Newt snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Y/N?," Teresa looked through the door. Her face brightened when I thought it couldn't anymore.

"Teresa?" I hear Y/N's voice from the other side.


"Y/N!" Y/N ran to the door. Teresa looked back to Newt and asked

"Can you please get her out?" Newt hesitated but then nodded his head and walked to the door and took out his keeper keys. He unlocked the door and I ran to help pull Y/N out of the slammer. When she got out she immediately stood up and rushed over to Teresa. She gave her a giant hug. Teresa returned the hug.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Teresa said. Y/N looked up

"Thanks by the way... For the breakfast" Teresa looked confused.

"I didn't get you any food"

"Who did then?"


Okay so actually the next chapter will be the Bon fire. Anyways I thought I would make up some things as change the story line. I mean it's a fanfiction x reader so yeah.... Sooooo thanks for reading! Thanks for all your votes I love getting feed back from y'all!!!! Thank you! Byeee😄

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