The Explanation

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"Not here" you said afraid someone was listening in the conversation. Thomas nods and says

"I know a place" he grabs your hand and pulls you running towards a tower. You begin to climb after him reaching the top.

"Now can you tell me?"

"What do want to know?" You ask him

"I don't know maybe how you know me, who were the people that sent us here, what do you remember?" You sat there taking the questions in.

"Well for starters, I really don't know why I knew you, well at least your name. I just remembered Thomas. I do remember something though about people. The people who sent me. Who sent us. The people who are the reason we are here. I remember at least a little. I just remember W.C.K.D. Just flashes of W.C.K.D. (Is this right? Sorry again I haven't read the book or watched the movie in awhile) And no I don't recall anything 'bout my memories besides those. I don't even know my name."

"No one remembers! No One Knows!" Yells Thomas frustrated

"Are you alright Thomas?"

"NO I'M NOT ALRIGHT! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING! NO ONE REMEMBERS ANYTHING! NOTHING! Nothing..." Thomas now had tears in his eyes. You could tell by the glimmer it had when the moon reflected the tears. You wanted to tell him it was alright. But you didn't. You couldn't lie to Him.
That it will be alright. It wasn't going to be alright. No one will be alright. You know that for a fact. You only been here for a day but it seemed pretty bad already. So you finally spoke a response after the the long silence and deep breaths.
"Every one feels the same way,Thomas. As me. Everyone feels as if they are a puzzle trying to be put back together but you can't because of the missing pieces that are lost. Somewhere hidden that you think is gone forever but really just buried beneath something. And still you are looking for the pieces. Then something beautiful happens. You find the pieces place them together. An the puzzle is complete. You are complete. But Thomas, this is reality and reality is not a nice game to play in. Reality ruins things. It ruins people. Reality is the thing that hides the puzzle pieces."

Thomas looks at you  and asks

"What if our puzzle is nothing but a piece and that piece is what is keeping us moving and is the thread that's holding onto all our weight as it's about ready to break at any moment?"

"Then Thomas, you need to build onto that thread by making it into rope." You then leave before you could answer. You really felt bad for Thomas your really did. But then again. That is the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts but it's still the truth. You don't know where you were going. You didn't have a bed or anything. You decided to go back to the slammer. I mean you had no where else to go.


Sorry for another short chapter! Again! I thought it was a good place to stop! Anyways I hope you really like this! Thanks for the reads!😄

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