Jadelyn Andrews

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"Miss Andrews! Pay attention, young lady!" her school teacher glared over at her through her spectacles.
"Yes, ma'am," she answered, inwardly rolling her eyes.
History? Why History? Why strict teachers and stiff uniform?
As the students dutifully filed out of the classroom when the bell rang, she heard the brisk voice of her teacher say, "Miss Andrews, a word please."
She slumped into the chair across from her teacher's desk and sighed.
Who was she? Well, her name was Jadelyn Andrews, and she officially considered herself as the unluckiest girl in the world.

First the bullies, then this. She thought in her head. A group of popular girls had said she was ugly during morning break, causing her to almost burst into tears. Honestly, Jadelyn, wasn't ugly at all, she was quite pretty, but the popular girls' brains apparently functioned in the most stupidest way possible. Meaning they were jealous. She sighed and trudged on home, where she was sure she would be able to drink a mug of hot chocolate in the cold weather and relax. But as you might have guessed, it was her unlucky day and her current wishes did not come true.

When Jadelyn, or Jade, as she preferred( although no one called her by that), got home, she was greeted with the angry outbursts of her wealthy parents.
"Jadelyn Paige Andrews, how, how dare you! I just got an email from your teacher saying that you were daydreaming during class! What a disgrace! I am so ashamed that a member of this family would even think about not paying attention in school!" her mother practically yelled at her.
"Well, mother, I had a reason to. You see, listening to lectures is not my favorite hobby," she thought for a minute. "Actually, it's no one's favorite hobby."
"Young lady, did you just talk back to your mother!? Up to your room right now!" her mom ordered.
Jade obeyed and slowly walked up the stairs. "Oh, and just for your information, that scarf looks hideous on you," she added, before running up the stairs at the look on her mother's face.
"One of these days, I'm getting out of here," she muttered to herself.

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