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"Camp Base? Huh? Wha-" Jade asked.
A deep voice answered, "This is the camp for people like you, the selected."
"Chosens, Selected, ugh, I'm so confused."
She heard a chuckle. Liam stood to her right and said, "Okay Jade, time for you to meet Mr. McSwozzle."
A man in a T-shirt and jeans smiled kindly at her. He looked to be in his mid forties.
"Well, hello Miss Andrews, or Jade, as you like to be called. All of us have been waiting for you to come here."
"Oh, um hi. Nice to meet you Mr. McSwozzle" Jade said, still dizzy from the fall from the pond. "Um, what do you mean by 'all of us'?"
Mr. McSwozzle answered, "Well, you see there are more than just a couple chosens. There are, in fact, thousands, from all over America. They each have their own unique powers, and get sorted into different categories."
"Ohh...okay, um that totally makes sense."
"It will in a second, don't worry." Liam told her reassuringly.
Mr. McSwozzle smiled. "Well then, I'm guessing Liam here would be pleased to give Jade a tour. I've got some very important business to attend to. Oh, and I think you should inform Jade about what's been going on."
Liam nodded.
"Okay, Jade. Now for the tour that will blow your mind! Honestly, you won't believe everything you see at first, I didn't, but I promise you'll get used to it." With that she followed him through the camp.
"So...what did you mean when you said that some of your trees were, like, blue and all."
"Oh that. Well the trees represent each of the categories here. If the trees are healthy, it means each of the categories are doing well, and there are enough chosens and all. Here let me show you them."
Liam led Jade to a clearing where there were seven trees in a circle. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. They were very strange too, all peculiar shapes. But something was wrong.
"Liam, why are the trees all wilting? I thought they were supposed to be healthy or else-"
Liam sighed, "Well, these days, they're not exactly healthy, obviously. We're not sure why, but we're waiting for a message from the Power to tell us." Liam looked very dejected, and Jade felt sorry for him.
"Hey, it's gonna be all right, okay?" She glanced at him to see his expression. He looked a bit happier.
"Thanks Jade. But there's something else too. We're, all worried here, because the, well, I don't really know what to call them, but the non-chosens, they're gaining power, somehow they're upgrading themselves with new abilities, which totally does not make sense, so...yeah." He finished, then added, "Oh, and they come after us on a daily basis."
"What?! My life has just turned into a war zone, I do not like it here, I should go back home."
"No, you shouldn't and can't." Liam told Jade firmly. "They'll hunt you down, I told you, remember?"
Jade sighed, "Fine, I'll stay." As soon as she said this, her birthmark started glowing.
"What's happening now?"
"Um...I don't know. I'll go get Mr. McSwozzle."
Jade's wrist glowed brighter, and all around her chosens gathered. Finally she heard the voice of Mr. McSwozzle say, "Everybody, please stand back! Jade, are you all right?"
"Um...I think so...I don't know." All of a sudden, she felt herself getting lightheaded. "What's going on-" Energy came whooshing out of her birthmark, she couldn't control it. That was the last thing she felt and saw, then everything went black.

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