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    That night, Jade crept quietly out of her large room. She could hear the sounds of muffled voices as her parents had an argument over her. Jade couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She ignored it and opened her window. It was a one-story house so she could easily jump out. She grabbed her gray backpack which she had packed with essentials, and jumped down safely. She thought she was unharmed until she saw a long cut on her forearm from a thorn bush. Ugh! She thought in her head. She raised a hand to stop the blood but before she could, she noticed that the wound had disappeared. What? How is that possible? She pondered. Jade decided to not pay attention to that, better off that way. She set off toward the dark woods near her huge home, and said to no one in particular, "This is it! I'm running away to chase a better life." Then she sprinted into the darkness.

Her lungs were on fire, she felt like she couldn't walk another step without fainting.
Okay, this is far enough
She took out a sleeping bag and lied down to sleep. She wished she would have prepared for her journey better.
"The perks of being rich,"she said with sarcasm, and then fell asleep.

Or at least she was about to.

Jade heard a rustle in the bushes. Something was there. She was inwardly having a panic attack. Something was about to pounce on her! As soon as she thought this, a figure slowly crawled out of the plants. It was taller than her, and Jade was now positive she was dead meat. Without thinking, at all, she charged at it, throwing a good punch at the thing. Jade was surprised to hear, instead of a growl, a loud "Ow!"
"Um...who are you?" she asked, still on her guard.
She saw that it was a teenage boy, maybe a year older than her, who's face was overwhelmed in pain by the fact that he was sporting a black eye.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Jade exclaimed with remorse.
"Nah, it's cool. I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that. It's my fault," he said grinning at her. "But I gotta say, that was one awesome punch you threw at me."
Jade laughed, so did he.
"Um, my name's Jadelyn, you can call me Jade," she said after a while.
"Liam," he answered, extending his hand. She shook it, and they both laughed at the formal handshake.
"You know, I've been watching you for some time and- "
"Whoa, hold up. You've been watching me?" Jade interrupted.
"Um, yeah. It's not what it sounds like, don't worry!" he told her when he saw the panicked look on her face. "It's because, well, this might sound stupid, but I think you're a "chosen."

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