The Elect

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"Jade, wake up! Please." Liam's voice echoed in her mind. She fluttered her eyes open to see Liam standing over her with a concerned look. "How long was I out?" She asked him. "Well, only an hour actually, you healed from the concussion pretty fast!"
"Wait, I had a concussion? Wow."
"Yes, Miss Andrews, and I think you should be filled in about what happened." Mr. McSwozzle addressed her. Jade didn't even notice he was there.
"Yeah, I really want to know what happened, because I'm kinda freaking out about the whole concept of hero abilities and stuff."
"Well, then, I shall fill you in. First off, let me just say that what you did was not normal." Mr. McSwozzle informed her.
"Um...nothing is exactly normal here, sir."
He chuckled, "yes, you are absolutely correct. But there is always a limit to how abnormal things can get, and you crossed that line. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, actually, it's quite helpful."
"So, why did that happen to me?" Jade asked.
"Well, there is something, I'm afraid, we haven't told you. You see, if the "chosen" legends are true, which they probably are, the Power chooses a certain chosen to have greater abilities and also responsibilities, they were called the Elect."
"And your point is..?" Jade pondered.
"In the legends, the Power took a small portion of the Source and gave it to this chosen. The Source was, well, the source to unimaginable power, and even a little could give you amazing new abilities, and of course power."
"So why are you telling me this?" Jade asked, a bit impatiently.
"According to legend, the Power would give a sign to identify who the Elect was. The sign was, well, a birthmark and when they reached the camp, the Power would give the chosen a portion of the Source, through white energy coming from the seven trees. And that, Miss Andrews, is exactly what happened to you."
"I'm the Elect? The Power chose me?" Jade had many questions. "How can you be so sure?"
"When we saw the white energy being absorbed into you, we also witnessed a miracle."
"What was it?"
"The trees, they had been wilting for, well, a very long while, and when the energy was finished being absorbed into you, for a short second, the trees seemed to brighten and they glowed, like they were supposed to when they were healthy."
"So this is what you meant by saying I was helpful, right?"
"Well, partially. You see, the seven trees contain the Source, and you had given back the power that it had slowly been losing, when you absorbed power. Don't worry, you will soon understand."
" why did you say that was partially the reason?."
"Because the other reason you are so important to us, is that you are the key to finally defeating the only other Elect in the world."

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