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"A what? A "chosen"? Jade laughed nervously. "Um, are you feeling all right? Maybe I hit you too hard."
Liam sighed, "No, I'm completely sane!"
"Huh, well it sure doesn't sound like it!" she yelled, now feeling very annoyed.
"Just, give me a chance to explain!" Liam said with such an exasperated voice that Jade gave in.
"Fine, go ahead," she said.
"Okay, so," he began with a bright look in his eyes. "Every year, The Power selects several children and gives them unique abilities, like superpowers, but less cheesy. By the time they get old enough, around your age, fifteen, strange things happen. They start discovering their abilities. That's why I've been watching you, to help you if you can't survive on your own." At this, Jade interrupted him.
"I can survive on my own! I'm not some kind of little kid."
Liam laughed, "Well, actually you can't. You see, when a "chosen" starts finding their new abilities, well, that's when the trouble starts. People hunt us down, try to kill us one by one."
Jade was shocked, "So you're telling me I'm going to die?!"
"No, you see, the people who hunt us down, well, they aren't exactly people. They were once chosens too. This makes them more dangerous, since they've got the abilities as well. What we do, is fight them off, because they cause world destruction. What do you think really happened on 9/11? It wasn't an attack by terrorists, it was them, trying to destroy us."
"So why do they hunt us down?"
"Because there once was a time when a fight broke out between two  chosens, who were both leaders. One of them was jealous that the other was more powerful than he. You see, The Power gives different abilities to different people, and sometimes he gives more to those with the potential of always being faithful and brave. Well, the chosen with less power was filled with hatred, and he left. He started his own camp base where he trained people like him, who were envious of power. He did this to prove that he had more power, and that the ones with more were useless.  Anyways, they're not too much of a threat, there are more of the good guys, so they're outnumbered."
"Oh," was all Jade could think of to say.
"Anyways, we'd better get to the camp base," said Liam.
"Okay, which direction is that?"
"Um, I don't really know..." Liam confessed.
"What?! You don't know?"
"Yeah, I found you, but I kinda got lost so...but it's alright, I'm pretty sure you can help us find the way," he said.
"Me?! Are you kidding, I'm kinda new at all this power thing."
"Doesn't matter, The Power usually sends a sign. You just have to believe me."
"Um..." Then Jade looked down at her wrist, the birthmark she had had since forever was glowing. "What the-" she moved to her left to get a better look and it faded. She moved to the right and it glowed again. "Well, I guess the brighter my wrist gets, the closer we are to camp."

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