Camp Base

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Jade led the way through the forest, her wrist glowing brighter and brighter. She had to admit that was weird enough, without the fact that Liam was being a bit too hyper.
"Haha, look at those trees, they're green.." Liam said.
"Um, trees are supposed to be green, weirdo."
"Yeah, I know, but they're also purple and blue as well."
"You'll see what I mean," Liam assured her.
"Um, okay."
"So, Liam, when did you discover your powers? What are they?" Jade asked suddenly interested in the subject.
"Oh, well. I probably found out about the powers when I was eleven, yeah I know, pretty young. But it happens faster for the people who believe."
"So you believed from the beginning?" Jade asked.
"Well, technically, I guess. I mean I wanted to be special, so I guess that counts as believing. I have a couple powers, but, you know, you discover them as you go. Right now I've got healing, combat (of course), water manipulation, being awesome, and goodness."
"Haha, yeah, being awesome. Wait, goodness is also a gift?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, "it may not sound like a power or whatever, but it's actually pretty useful. You see, when we go off to battle dark stuff, goodness, and being pure of heart, comes in handy, you know. Goodness is more powerful than darkness, so, it helps."
"Oh," Jade responded, "I wonder what powers I have."
"Well, I know you've got healing, almost everyone does."
"Yeah, I kinda figured that one out too."
"Well, let's figure it out then!" Liam said cheerfully.
" do I do this?"
"Just focus on nothing."
Well that makes total sense Jade thought sarcastically, but she tried it anyway.
A few seconds later, Liam exclaimed, "Hey Jade, where'd you go?"
Jade opened her eyes in confusion, and she lost her focus.
"Oh, there you are," Liam said, relieved.
"What do you mean?" Jade asked him.
"Oh, well I think you turned invisible for a few seconds, or teleported, whatever it was."
"Wow! That's awesome," she said.
"Yeah, it sure is."
With that the two continued their journey, both grinning, until they reached a small pond.
"Oh good, we're here!" Liam said.
"Um, it's just a pond" Jade responded, matter-of- factly.
"Obviously, but it won't be 'just a pond' when we jump in."
"Um, then it'll be just a pond that happens to have two people in it."
"Whatever, just trust me," Liam told her. He offered her his hand, and Jade took it.
"On!" They jumped in. Instead of water Jade felt the coolness of a soft pillow, against her skin. She felt like she was surrounded orange in fabric. Then, a light shone amidst the orangeness, and she saw Liam grab it. Jade felt green grass as she tumbled out of the "lake" and saw that she was in a completely different place.
"Hello, young lady, you must be Jadelyn Andrews. Welcome to our camp."

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