Lady Riddle - Preview

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Lady Riddle - Preview

Hermione's POV

Danger, that is what we faced once we entered the Department of Mysteries. Harry was very persistent on coming as he had sort of a premonition or vision that Voldemort was holding Sirius, Harry's godfather, hostage and torturing him for the whereabouts of the prophecy. We had trouble escaping the school from the toad faced bitch, Dolores Umbridge. We ended up taking thestrals to the ministry of magic. Once there, we all almost got killed duelling some death eaters, because they wanted the prophecy that contained the fate of Harry and Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix then soon arrived and saved us. In the end, Bellatrix Lestrange killed Sirius, her own cousin! I watched as Harry broke down and chased after the psycho bitch. I crept unnoticed out of the room we were in and followed Harry. I watched as Harry used the cruciatus curse on Bellatrix and also when Voldemort appeared behind him. Luckily Dumbledore showed up, otherwise I doubt Harry would be alive. I watched as Dumbledore and Voldemort duelled. I walked over to where Harry stood watching as the two most powerful wizards duelled. Harry's eyes widened when he saw Hermione approaching. Voldemort casted a spell that sent shattered pieces of glass in our direction. He started laughing maniacally, but he stopped laughing and his eyes widened at the sight of me. Dumbledore cast a spell to protect us from the shards of glass. He started saying something that sounded like parseltongue, but I couldn't tell from the distance between us and from how quietly he spoke. He then spoke directly to Dumbledore "Give me the girl and I will let everyone else go unharmed". Dumbledore looked at me then back at Voldemort. "You'll have to get past me first to get the girl" Dumbledore responded with ease. "Have it your way then" Voldemort raised his wand and started casting spells at Dumbledore, but he easily reflected them all. Suddenly, Voldemort stopped and looked directly at me, looked towards the flu network, where the ministry officials had just previously arrived, then back to me. He then casted a spell at me, and disapperated. The last few words I heard before falling into unconsciousness was "His back!"


A/N - Sorry everyone for not doing much for awhile and how un detailed this chapter is but I'm quiet busy at the moment as I am a senior in school and most of my time is spent either at school, at work or studying. Don't stop reading if you don't like this chapter, as it is only just developing and it will definitely get better. I am trying to upload as much as I can, so I won't have an upload timetable or anything. This book will contain sex scenes, but the whole book won't entirely revolve around sex!

Mel-Caity xxx

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