Lady Riddle - Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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Lady Riddle - Chapter 3 - The Meeting

I woke up the next morning at 9:30am after one of the best sleeps I've ever had. I rubbed my eyes and scrunched up my nose, trying to think about where I am, but then the events of yesterday came back to me. I leant up against the headboard of my bed, thinking about everything. Hermione Granger no longer exists, she never did. We need a cover up, I thought, not wanting people to know I was once under the impression that I was a filthy little mud blood know-it-all. I stretched my arms up in the air, trying to awake my muscles. Once I was happy with the result, I got out of my cozy bed and walked over to my balcony. I opened the curtains, letting the light stream into my bedroom. I opened the doors, stepping out to feel the cool, morning air to hit me in the face. I looked out at the view of the grounds. It looked absolutely impeccable. From my view in the east side tower on the fourth storey, I could see part of the beautifully designed gardens, and had a perfect view of the beach, with it's clean sand and the perfect waves. I always loved coming to the beach, it's very peaceful and I love the smell of the fresh sea water. I let the wind blow through my hair for a bit longer while I studied the grounds, before heading back inside to go for a quick shower. Before I turned the shower on, I quickly tied my hair into a messy bun, to keep it from getting wet.i turned on the heat and made the water the perfect temperature.

I hopped out of the shower after quickly washing my body as my face. I stepped out into my steamy bathroom and quickly towel dried my body, before slipping on my fluffy, white dressing gown. I opened my bathroom door and walked through my bedroom straight into my wardrobe to choose my outfit for today. I looked through my wardrobe and decided on wearing a violet lace bra and panty set, a pair of grey denim skinny jeans with a tight violet singlet with a pair of black all star lo converses. I walked back into the bathroom, hanging up my dressing gown on the back of the bathroom door. I walked over to the mirror and took my hair out of my bun. It cascaded down my body in loose but tameable curls. I quickly ran my fingers through the curls to make them seem less messy. I decided on only putting on a coat of nude lip gloss, because my new features didn't need the make up, because it was well defined without it.

I strolled out of my room and walked down the four flights of stairs to the dining room, where my mother and father where sitting, eating their breakfast. Dad was sitting there reading the daily profit while mum was reading the newest copy of Witch Weekly. I sat down in the spot I across from my mother, and next to my father, who sat at the head of the table. "Millie" I called for my house elf. The next moment, there was a pop that belonged to Millie as she entered the room. "Yes, Miss Destiny" she squeaked in that small voice of hers. "Can I have some chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and fresh berries?" She nodded immediately and said "right away miss" and disapperated to fetch me my food. A minute later she returned with my food. "Is that all for now, Miss Destiny?" She squeaked. "Yes" I spoke with finality in my voice. She quickly scurried away to go do something else. I turned to face my breakfast, and could feel my mouth watering with pleasure. I quickly dug into my pancakes, and let me just tell you, they are absolutely delicious. As I finished and a house elf I know as Rupert came and collected our dishes, mum and dad put their newspaper and magazine down and turned their eyes to me. "Destiny, sweetie, we have matters to discuss with you" my mother said in a soft and caring voice. "About what?" I inquired. Mum and dad quickly shared a glance at one another. "There is a lot you need yet to know" replied dad. "Okay, go ahead." I said, wanting to know everything. "Okay, firstly, your name is Destiny Scarlette Riddle. You were born on September 9th 1979 at 3:17am. You have 5 cousins on your mums side. Her maiden name is Zabini, I believe you are in the same year as one of your cousins, his name is Blaise. Blaise is the son of Vladimir, your mothers brother and his wife, Katerina and he has an 11 year old sister names Sophia, who will be going to Hogwarts this year. Then their is your mothers sister Elizabeth, her husband Daniel, and their 2 children Zoey, who is 13, and Orion who is 7. Then their is Charles and his wife Trinity and their 6 year old daughter Bailee. You have no living relatives on my side of the family." Dad spoke. Mum agreed with what dad was saying "giving you up Destiny was the hardest thing we've ever had to do, right Tom?" Dad nodded. "I know it's confusing, but we only gave you up so you could stay safe." I nodded. "Is that all?" I asked they nodded. "alright, I'm going to go explore the grounds." I said. My parents nodded. I was at the door when I heard "oh and Destiny?" My dad spoke, "yeah?" I replied. "we have guests coming over for dinner, so be ready by 6." "okay dad" I spoke over my shoulder while walking away. I quickly jogged up to my room and grabbed my wand and quickly put on my bikini and grabbed a towel, and set off down the stairs.

6 o'clock came around quicker than I thought it would. I spent the day exploring the gardens and swimming and tanning at the beach. I lost track of time so I had half an hour to shower and wash my hair, and get ready. It was quite a rush, but I managed to get ready with 5 minutes to spare. I was now waiting down stairs with my parents, wearing a set of red lace bra and panty set, a tight black dress with sleeves that came just past my elbows. My dress reached my mid thigh, so it wasn't quite revealing. My hair was in its usual loose curls and was out hanging over my chest. I paired of the dress with a pair of red high heels and red lipstick. I put on a light coat of mascara and sprayed my favourite perfume, 'Princess by Vera Wang'. I was wearing a couple of white gold bracelets on each wrist, a white gold diamond anklet, a white gold diamond ring, a white gold diamond necklace and some white gold diamond earrings.

I was sitting down in the formal living room, near the main flu network dispatch. I was fiddling with my wand, which was tucked away in bra. Suddenly I heard someone coming through the flu network, so I stood up and went and stood with my parents. The first person to come through the flu network, was none other then Lucius Malfoy, shortly followed by his wife Narcissa, who I had briefly met at the quidditch World Cup in the summer before my fourth year at Hogwarts. And lastly, Draco Malfoy came out of the flu network, looking as attractive as always. Draco was about 6 feet tall, is slim, but not scrawny. He has an amazing body from Quidditch. He had his platinum blonde hair hanging down loosely, not gelled back like usual. He stormy grey eyes were looking straight at me. He was wearing a tight white dress shirt, tucked into a pair of black dress pants.

He stepped forward, next to his parents. "Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Destiny" dad spoke confidently to the Malfoy's. Suddenly, I felt everyone's eyes flick to me. This didn't affect me at all, as I stood there confidently, letting their eyes rake along my body. "My Lord, My lady's, this is my wife Narcissa and my son Draco." After everyone had been introduced to one another, we set off to the dining room for dinner. Dad was set at the head of the table, mum was set on his right and I was next to mum. On dad's left was Lucius, and next to him and across from me is Draco and next to him is Narcissa. As dad and Lucius were having a hushed conversation with one another, and mum and Narcissa were discussing the latest copy of Witch Weekly, I stared down at my lap, while I could feel Draco's eyes on me. Suddenly, the first course appeared in front of everyone. Thank god, I thought, a distraction. I had barely had a mouthful when dad spoke up "Destiny, Draco, there is something Lucius, Alyssa, Narcissa and I need to discuss with the pair of you." Now he had my attention. I looked up to him, and draco looked at his father questioningly. "You two, by this time next year, you will be married!" dad continued, with a small smile on his face. I had just taken a sip of water and when hit with that news, I spat it out and it went all over Draco. And that's when I lost it.


A/N - hey everyone, I'm so sorry about the wait! I know I promised to update more but life has been so hectic for me at the moment. I hope this chapter will suffice for now, and I hope I can start updating regularly.



Mel-Caity xoxo

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