Lady Riddle - Chapter 4 - Destruction

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Destiny's POV:

"WHAAAAATTTTTT! YOU CAN'T OBVIOUSLY EXPECT ME TO MARRY THIS SLIME BALL! HE IS UTTERLY DISGUSTING AND HIS EGO IS AS BIG AS JUPITER! I WILL NOT MARRY HIM, HE'S A FERRET FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! NOT TO MENTION HE'S COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY REPULSIVE!!!" I screamed at everyone, trying to get them to see reason. 'Why would they plan an arranged marriage without consulting me? I feel so betrayed!' She thought to herself.

"You will marry Draco, Destiny, this is not up for discussion. By this time next year, you will be married, end if discussion." Tom replied, trying his best to not raise his voice at his daughter.

"SO YOU WANT TO FORCE ME INTO A LOVELESS MARRIAGE!?! HOW SICK ARE YOU? DONT YOU CARE FOR MY HAPPINESS AT ALL?!? THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT YOU CAN MAKE ME MARRY HIM!!!" She screamed, letting all her anger and frustrations at the elders through. Her eyes were glazed with fury that made everyone in the room flinch. She was mad, and when she got mad, there's nothing no one could do to replace it.

"Princess, I'm sure Draco will treat you right and over time you will learn to love him..." Her mother started but got rudely interrupted by her daughter.

"Was yours and dad's marriage arranged for you?" She spoke in such a low and deadly voice, involuntary shivers ran down the spines of everyone in the room.

"No, but.."

"BUT NOTHING!!! YOU AND DAD HAD A CHANCE TO ACTUALLY FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ON YOUR OWN ACCORD, SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FORCE A MARRIAGE UPON ME AND THIS GIT!?!" She screamed, venting her anger and trying to get her parents to understand where she is coming from.

"Angel, we just want what's best for you." Her father spoke irritably, slowly losing his patience.

"YEAH, AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD KNOW WHATS BEST FOR ME, AFTER ALL, YOU HAVENT SEEN ME IN WHAT, 14 YEARS!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!" I screamed with fury, watching everyone squirm under my harsh glare.

"Sweetheart..." Her mother started.

"NO!!! DONT YOU DARE SWEETHEART ME!!! IF YOU FORCE ME INTO THIS MARRIAGE, I WILL LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!" I yelled, my patience wearing thin. 'How could they try and force me into a loveless marriage?!? Is this some kind of sick joke?' She thought to herself.

"WE ARE YOUR PARENTS, YOU WILL DO AS WE SAY!" Tom screamed back, fed up with this nonsense.


Everyone stood up as they felt the ground shake harshly, followed by the sound of the chandelier that hung above their heads crashing down onto the now broken table. Everyone, besides Destiny, dove out of the way, but she used this as an opportunity to whip out her wand and disapperate, but not before she did a quick spell that caused everyone in the room to be blasted into the wall.

3rd persons POV:

Draco slowly stood up and ran his fingers through his platinum hair, that now contained pieces of the chandelier.

"Wow, I didn't know we were getting dinner and a show!" Draco exclaimed sarcastically. It was safe to say Lucius slapped the back of his sons head, muttering things about being rude to his master.


Destiny's POV:

Destiny apperated to the first place she thought of, which just so happened to be The Leaky Cauldron. She strode confidently up to the bar.

"A shot of fire whiskey, and keep them coming." She spoke with an air of both confidence and power radiating off of her.

The bartender smiled at her, and poured her the first of many more shots to come, and handed it to her. She have him a nod of appreciation, non verbally thanking him for the drink.

She tilted her head back and took the shot in one go. She smirked as the bartender looked at her with surprise written all over his face. He wasn't expecting the young lady to be able to take the shot all at once. If she were able to do so, he was expecting her to start spluttering all over the place. With her smirk still on her face, she slid the shot glass back to the bartender and asked for a bottle. He gave her a strange look, but nevertheless handed over the bottle of fire whiskey and with that, Destiny made her way to a secluded booth in the back of the bar. One by one, she took each shot the same as the first; with complete ease. Not long after, she finished the bottle and wasn't remotely drunk at all. She started to contemplate what went on at the so-called dinner. 'How could her parents be so cruel! Trying to force her into an arranged marriage, with non other than Draco Abraxas Malfoy no less.' She felt disgusted. 'The only good thing he had going for him was his good looks' she thought. 'Maybe she had been to hard on him, after all, he didn't seem to have any objections about the marriage. If only he knew who I was before!' She thought, silently laughing at the thought if his horror-stricken face if she were to tell him she had been the mud blood, Hermione Granger, member of The Golden Trio, well known know-it-all and bookworm.

She decided on going back home to confront her parents, after all, she had been the one to walk out so it were only fair for it to be she who made amends.

She walked up to the bar, ordered three more bottles to take home, to which te bartender gave her an incredulous look.

He gave her the bottles in a bag. "That will be £106.95." He spoke quite cheerfully, happy at all the money he would be getting from the young witch in front of him.

The witch smirked, and slowly slipped her wand out of her bra. "I will not be paying for this" she spoke once again in her low and deadly voice. The bartender looked at her in horror. He was about to yell out for help, but it was much too late for that.

"Obliviate" the witch spoke, smirking as she watched as he lost his memories of her ever being in the bar. She picked up the bag containing the fire whiskey, and left the bar. As soon as she was outside of the bar, she apperated away, with the smirk still in it's rightful place.



Sorry guys for making you wait so long for an update. I truly feel terrible for my lack of updated. But i am hoping to change that. As of right now through to the 23rd, I am on break, so I am hoping to update a lot, but I am not going to guarantee it just incase I get immensely busy. But I can guarantee that you guys will get AT LEAST 3 more updates, as well as this one, over the period of time. I hope I continue to have all of your support as you continue to read this book.

I know this chapter is fairly short, and I apologise for that. I just thought it was a good place to end this chapter. I know lots if you will say this chapter is boring but I this was just a filler chapter. The rest of the book is hopefully going to be much more entertaining.

With your support,

Mel xxx

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