Lady Riddle - Chapter 1 - Newfound Family

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Lady Riddle Chapter 1 - Newfound Family

A/N - This book is copyrighted to the act of 2013©. Fines will be given to anyone who steals the plot or is caught plagiarising my work.

Hermione's POV

They came for me on the night of the 12th of July 1996. I was in my room, brushing my hair before bed, when I heard a loud noise downstairs. Knowing my parents were out of town tonight for a dentist convention, I automatically grabbed my wand in defence. I put my hairbrush down and hid in my closet. I watched as the death eaters blasted my bedroom door down and in came Voldemort himself. Knowing I was still underage till September 11th, I couldn't apperate myself away and the flu network is downstairs, so there was no way for me to escape.

"I know you are in here Hermione, so show yourself now or I will force you to reveal yourself to me." I stood up quietly with whatever Gryffindor courage I had when in the face of Lord Voldemort. "And what is it you need me for?" I spoke, trying to keep my voice calm and sophisticated. He turned around to face me. He smiled cunningly and just looked at me with these gleaming red eyes. He spoke "This wont hurt one bit." He raised his wand at me and spoke clearly "ostende te ad patrem vestrum". A bright purple light headed straight towards me and hit me square in the chest. I fell to the floor in my room, unconscious.

I awoke soon after to see Voldemort watching me from across the room, sitting on my chair at my desk. I sat up to find myself on my bed, how the hell did I get here? I thought to myself. I place my head in my hands, as I got frequent pains in my head, letting me receive flashbacks from when I was a baby.


A man, with dark hazel eyes and dark chestnut coloured hair, sat with his wife, who had stunning violet eyes and dirty blonde hair, watched as their daughter sat on the ground, playing with a quidditch snitch. The daughter had midnight black coloured hair, with her mothers gorgeous violet eyes. She had pale porcelain skin, rosy lips and a mark of a moving snake that travelled all along her body. Her name is Destiny Scarlette Riddle, the one and only daughter of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Alyssa Katerina Riddle. The parents watched their 1 year old daughter play on the ground in front of them while they stayed in an embrace on the couch. Little did they know, this would be the last family moment they would share for a while.

The daughter started getting tired so Tom put his only daughter in her cot and read a story to her. Alyssa stood in the rooms doorway, watching the cutest father daughter moment for a man who will one day take over the world. He stayed with her until she fell asleep, then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, as to not wake her. He silently walked out of the room and he and his wife walked towards their bedroom. Once they arrived, Tom started to get ready for his encounter at the Potter household tonight, where he will kill the child who is prophesied to kill him. He suddenly spoke "Alyssa, we have to hide Destiny, either you go and hide with her or we put a glamour charm on her and wait until the time is right to retrieve her once again?" Alyssa stared at him with wide eyes, but was ready to do anything that protected her baby girls life. "We will perform a glamour charm, and I will take her to a muggle adoption agency, so Dumbledore doesn't track her down in the wizarding world." Tom visibly shuddered at the word 'muggle' as he knows from first hand experience what it is like to grow up in the care of muggles. "It is the only way to keep her safe. We will perform the glamour charm tonight." Tom proclaimed as he started to head towards the door. He turned back when he realised that Alyssa was not with him "Well, what are we waiting for?" He asked her, but she just shook her head and followed Tom to their daughters room. Tom stared at his daughter, hating on himself that he had to put his own daughter, his own flesh and blood, and let muggles raise her. He watched her carefully as she slept soundlessly, with the occasional whimper. Her porcelain like skin, just like her father, her midnight black hair, from her father as well, her slytherin mark of the snake, from the original Salazar Slytherin himself, her violet eyes, that were now closed, seeing as she was asleep. He unveiled his wand from his robes and casted the glamour charm over his only child. He made her tan, with frizzy chestnut coloured hair and hazel eyes. He looked at his daughter and spoke in parseltongue to her, "We will meet again, daughter"

End of flashback-

"You're my father?" She spoke confidently, even though she knew the truth. "Yes" Tom replied to his daughter, watching her as she took in this new information. I see she has my smartness, he thought. "Father, take me home, to mother and the mansion." She commanded him, a firm temper like her mother. He smirked at her and replied "My pleasure" he grabbed onto her hand and appetites them towards Riddle Manor.

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