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Hey guys...

So I don't know whether or not anyone is even reading this story anymore or cares that there's an update, but I'll talk anyway.

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I feel like shit for not doing it sooner. Lately I've had a lot to consider when it comes to this book, because this book is my baby, but I've neglected it for so long. However, I have come to a conclusion, and I will continue this book if in the next week, this update gets 200 reads, or if 15 different people comment and vote, because I don't want to pour my heart out into updating if no one is going to read or support this book.

To anyone that is reading, I want to thank you for being so supportive, whether you've been reading this book since the start or began reading it yesterday. I want to thank you for understanding my predicament. I hope you guys want to continue reading this book, because I'll love providing the it for you.


Mel xoxo 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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