A Gentleman's Kiss

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“A man's kiss is his signature.” ~Mae West

We’ve been seeing each other for days, talking until late night, and planning stuff for quite some time. This morning was the usual morning we’d see each other. He picked me up from home and drove me to my office. We had the usual conversation, filled with laughter and enjoyment. He did his usual courtesy, bringing breakfast for me and reminding me not to forget to eat.

Over the weekend, we somehow had a little deal. I had a bad weekender, and so did he. It was stressful definitely and of course at those kinds of events, people need reassurance of certain unsaid feelings. We’d agreed to hug when we’d see each other. It was funny awkward as if we were teens touching hands for the first time. But that hug didn’t happen yet.

We got stuck in traffic and that made us talk more, laugh more, and tease each other more. I got to know that he was into painting too, and that was my ultimate weakness. I’ve never been able to meet my match in terms of talent and attitude. And slowly knowing him though conversations, I’m pretty much scared he can over-power me anytime. But that overflowing confidence he had really enchanted me, it enticed me to know him more. I can’t deny I’m not just attracted to him; I’m so drawn to him.

Sometimes I feel a little frustrated we don’t get to see each other every day. Well, I can’t blame him though. The nature of his work requires too much of his time. The only consolation I get is that he still bothers to spend early mornings with me, as this is considered his free time. And I tend to worry a lot, he even texts me while driving so as to make me feel he thinks of me most of the time. I just feel when he gets home, he’s dead tired already making him unable to say goodnight regularly.

The kid in me wants to pout and make a big fuss out of it. But reality check, we’re not in a relationship and we’re not kids anymore. Maybe that’s the difference of dating someone older than me. I used to date guys who are way more immature than me and I get overly frustrated of carrying the relationship through its course. It’s actually the first time I’m letting a man take control of the pace, of the conversations, and of the whole flow. And still, I have to control myself from getting carried away too much. Yes I like him, but like is so much different from love. And loving him, that’s still far from my list.

With random thoughts running in my head, and with random topics being talked about, we hardly noticed we’ve arrived at my work. I gave a sad face, and sat facing him as if I don’t want to go out at all. He asked me why, with a little smile that’s so damn gentle. I kept that sad pouty face and flatly said, “I’ll miss you again!” His smile widened and he said, “Come here.” And he gave me a really tight hug. I melted in his arms. And the gentleman he was, he just rubbed my back and swiftly moved away from me. He looked at me straight in my eyes. Oh god, my soul was melting in his gaze. He playfully pinched my cheek and laughed a bit, “You’re so cute.” His deep voice was so appealing, like ecstasy in my ears. And then I gave that sad pouty face again and said, “Hug more please?” He sighed lightly and smiled again, he could not resist me. He hugged me a little bit longer than before. I felt his breath on my neck as his chin rested on my shoulder. That sent shivers down my spine. I felt my heart beating madly in my chest and I am very much sure he felt it as well. Then he moved away a little from me, having a small space between our faces, enabling his warm palm cup my cheek.




In those three counts, I flew to cloud nine. He kissed me. He kissed me, softly, gently, lightly. His face moved in so close and brushed his lips against mine: featherlike, warm, and so inexplicably soft. That kiss wasn’t my first kiss, but that kiss was the first kiss I got from a real man. Everything about that kiss made it feel like the perfect romantic kiss I frequently watch in movies. It was really far from the torrid and passionate kiss. It was more of a gentle brush of the lips, something that will leave you craving and wishing for more. He then hugged me again, and said, “Take care and please don’t forget to eat.” He was like an elder brother caringly reprimanding me for my bad eating habits. I then smiled and kissed his cheek happily and got out of his car. He rolled the window down smiled and waved. I did the same and watched him as he drove off.

I touched my lips subconsciously, the feeling still lingered there. As if his lips never left mine.

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