Coffee & Rain

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Coffee and Rain

August 19, 2013



We’ve stopped talking for a few days again. I wasn’t in the mood to talk with him, and he was too preoccupied with work to make any initiative. We haven’t settled with our last argument, which was at least four days ago. It seems we’re like in a cat-dog relationship; one day we’re sweet as honey, the next day we’re bickering over nonsensical stuff.

I got used to the fact we’re not talking all the time. It’s like disciplining myself not to get too clingy to someone I’m not in a relationship with. Flirting can be a hassle for an emotional person like me, I’d have to scrape off emotions as if they’re just barnacles on a ship. But flirting is also a great teacher, especially in disciplining myself to make the right decisions objectively. With our frequent nonsensical quarrels, I perfectly knew this was never going to get serious. Not even enough to break surface tension. Easily disregarded, not distracting, and simply a mood perk-up for frequent situations.

I guess it was just that strong sexual attraction that leads me drawn to him whenever I see him. Well, in his case, I would never know. Even the messages he sends me are a million percent confusing, and chances are I misunderstand or I really cannot understand what he means. Considering our gap, I consistently feel like a kid being reprimanded by him. But a few moments come and go wherein I lose my patience and drop bombs. I frequently prod his ego, to the limits of his patience. I can’t say its power play, but that’s the only thing that keeps us interested in one another.

We met one morning, the usual place we wait for each other for breakfast. He was his usual self, smiling at me and never breaking that sexy stare. While I, pretended to be hostile, was hiding my tiny smirk seeing him up early and in broad daylight. He’s like a bat, he’s awake the whole night and mostly doesn’t get any sleep because of the nature of his work.

He offered to get coffee, and I agreed. I gave him the chocolates I promised. Not really promised, but my losing end in our bet. We liked having bets, it was a challenge and it was fun in a way. The loser should treat the winner, whatever the request may be. We both loved coffee and chocolate, and that morning was a perfect time to get one.

It was drizzling. I was idly watching the raindrops slowly covering the streets. The sky had turned gray by now and it was really looking like the late dusk. I glanced his way, he was sitting opposite me, and he was doing the same, looking outside staring blankly at the rain.

Or was I wrong?

Catching me looking at him made him smile, he then leaned back, and with casual over confidence he said, “Miss me?”

I smirked, “What makes you think that way you overconfident prick?”

You’re always too harsh on me, I’m just teasing.” He smiled and took a sip.

“You know I don’t take arrogance as a joke.”

“Hey, it’s just me. It’s as if you’re not used to me.”

“Sorry, I get carried away with my personality. As if you’re not used to me.”

He grinned and continued looking outside. I followed his gaze and saw a bright red car that was similar to his. I asked where it was, then he looked surprised and looked at me.

“What was that?”

“I asked, where’s your car?”

“Oh, its in the shop for maintenance work.”

“I see. Why do you look surprised?”

“Well, I wasn’t looking at the car you know.”

“What then?”

“Try looking at the window. You tell me what you see.”

So then I looked and started mentioning people, umbrellas, cars, bicycles, street lights, and rain. I looked back at him; he was shaking his head in disappointment. I asked why. He leaned in and made me move my face closer to his as he was about to whisper.

“You saw all those things but you never saw my reflection on the glass?”

He spoke in a very soft voice, so smooth it was soothing in my ears. I blushed, red shame creeping on my cheeks to the tip of my nose. I tried to mumble a quick apology, but he moved back and took a chocolate. He resumed looking outside as he ate the piece, while I kept my gaze on him straight front. I watched the way he sat, the way he looked, the way he ate and drank. Out of nowhere I finally said.

“Yes I missed you. And I always keep missing you. Even though you’re a pain in the ass.”

He laughed. A genuine laugh I rarely hear and see from him. He was the sly but generally serious type. For him to laugh like that was a treasured moment. I smiled softly now, it was too good to be true.

He moved his seat so he’d be sitting beside me. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and he instantly dropped a kiss on my forehead.

He moved his lips close to my ear and whispered breathily, “I miss you more than I can ever make you feel.”

I now blushed to the lobes of my ears. He then lifted his left hand and cupped my cheek. He slowly turned my face to his, my eyes began to flutter as I was expecting a kiss.

BUT HE! Being deceitful and playful, he bit my nose!

I winced in slight pain, but more on embarrassment. He laughed again and cupped my cheeks, repeatedly saying sorry while kissing my forehead. I tried to pull back; annoyed that he broke that romantic feel he had set. But he didn’t allow any space to be in between us. As my face was nearing his, he captured my lips in an instantly deep kiss. My brain panicked! We were in public! Anyone and everyone could see! I tried to push him away, with my hands on his arms, but he was too strong for me. And he was slowly melting me. He kept nibbling on my lips, sucking softly and teasing the seam with the tip of his tongue. Okay, I’m melted butter now. My hands lost their force on his arms and I plainly rested them on his shoulders. Until I had mind to do the same as he did: to cup his cheeks as well and return the favor of kissing him back. It barely lasted a few seconds, but it felt like minutes to me. He then pulled back and made me lean on him, tucking me under his arm. I felt his lips curve into a smile against my temple. His palm rubbing my arm, while his other hand took mine and held it tight.

Time stopped. I wanted this moment to last forever.

He then whispered again in my ear. “Do you trust me?”

I nodded in a silent response.

He asked again, “If I ask you something, will you say yes?”

I looked up, a question forming on my face. He looked down and met my eyes. He playfully pinched my cheek, his usual habit.

And then came the sweetest, the most meaningful words I’ve ever heard from him.

“Be my girlfriend.”

My eyes widened in surprise.



He hugged me tighter than it ever was.

“I’ll never let you go.”

Yes, it was really the perfect rainy day.


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