A bottle of blue hair dye

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Soon I pulled into my yard. Most everyone was gone from the party and the pack house was loud.
As I opened the door to come inside I saw that everyone was on phones and running around. Confusion was evident on my face when I found my father who was ending a phone call. He looked tired as he ran a hand down his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked hopping onto the counter. My dad looked at me and sent me a weak smile.

"Well Alpha Demitrio's son found his mate earlier tonight, except she ran from him. There's search parties out looking for her. It seems that no one was able to identify her because she was wearing a black hoodie covering her face...." Dad trailed off as he looked at me with his eyebrows raised at my hoodie that I had yet to remove. I bristled and tore it off throwing it across the room as if I had never had it in the first place.
"Well that's interesting..."I said looking everywhere but at him. My father chuckled slightly.

"Yes, yes. Very interesting. But get this she also dropped a bottle of blue hair dye and a silver Cresent moon bracelet. You wouldn't know anything about this right Jayne?" He questioned but by the look he was giving me it was obvious he knew the truth. Now it was my job to make him think he was wrong. My heart sank as I realized my bracelet was gone.

I chewed on my lip nervously and my hands flew behind my back covering my bare wrist that used to hold my Cresent bracelet, that my mother gave me before her death. I had never removed it. My dad knew that.

"Nope. You know dad I'm tired. Time to hit the sack night." I rushed out turning to go.

"Jayne. Where's your bracelet?" He yelled after me. I turned and with a serious expression I lied.

"I lost it."

He narrowed his eyes at me and sighed.
"Look Jayne you know if you find your mate you can't be alpha."

I growled and whirled around.
" That's preciously why I haven't found my mate." I looked at him challenging him with my eyes and a low growl.

"What ever you say Jayne. Anyway you and all the other female werewolfs in near packs, between the ages of 16-20 will be going to Alpha Demitrio's pack for a formal meeting with Luke. I mean since your not his mate he's got to find his real mate some how." He retorted smirking. My hands had unknowingly balled up into fist at the thought of other girls meeting or even speaking to what was mine. A low growl tumbled out of my mouth before I composed myself.

"That is a fantastic idea. Except there is no need for me to attend seeing as we have already come to the conclusion that I am not his mate. There's no need to waist his time when he could be finding his.......real mate." I grinded my teeth as my wolf howled and growled at me inside begging me to stop this madness and be with Luke.

Dad chuckled at me a bit.
"Well Luke said he wants to see every female of the pack at the occasion and that includes you sweetheart. The Demetrio pack is an ally of ours and I'm not going to break out alliance over this. Besides if he is indeed not your mate there will be no worries." He said and before I could respond he turned and left. I was fuming as I stomped upstairs to my room some pack members looked at me in fear as they passed me. When I got to my room I slammed the door shut and turned to face my bed that I planned to plop into but sitting on the bed was my brother.

I groaned and throw my shoes off sitting on the door I turned to face him.
"How may I help you brother?" I asked eyes narrowed and sarcasm dripping from my tone.

Blake grinned and walked over sitting down next to me his mood lwas way to happy for my taste.
"Well I missed you and I heard you were having boy troubles. Specifically with soon to be Alpha Luke. Now before you speak I think I already know. You went to a party got dared to prank him and found out he was your mate. Then you ran here and stormed upstairs because dad said you have to go meet him, therefore ruining your Alpha position. Am I right?" He spoke as if he already knew he was right. Which he did.

"You spoke to Celeste." I stated as I stood up and went to my bed laying down.

"Yes I did. I'm really sorry Jayne I knew how much you wanted to be Alpha." He said with a frown. I nodded and sat up with a frown mirroring his. Blake didn't want to be alpha and if I wasn't he would have to be.

"Well I'll tell you one thing. I will never be a damn Luna. If I have to be his mate I'll be his equal. I won't be at his every beck and call like some of those weak Luna's I will be a fucking Alpha. But you know what I'm gonna fight this. We won't meet tomorrow." I said rubbing my head filled with thoughts fighting against each other. On one hand I wanted to be alpha my wolf wanted Luke.

Blake looked at me with his eyebrow raised reminding me of dad.
"You know you can't do that."

I shook my head a plan bubbling to life in my head.
"Yes, yes I can. Oh my God. I could send Kelsey she could pretend to be me." I said with a smile. Blake shook his head.

"It wouldn't work first off all girls have to go so they would know if Kelsey didn't show up then they would figure out you weren't there second how the hell do you think you could get her to agree."he said.

"Kelsey isn't sixteen yet so she wouldn't have to go she could pretend to be me and I'm like her big sister she'll do what ever I say." I stated. Blake nodded and smiled slightly. And that's where we sat the rest of the night formulating my plan and hoping to goddess it works.
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