Blood and tears

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I Shifted mid air and tackled him off my cousin. Before we hit the ground he had shifted aswell but rather than attacking me like I expect he growls and slowly turns his head showing me his throat in submission.

A predatory growl shook the ground beneath us as Luke's wolf shows up next to us. He nudges me off the guy though I'm still boiling with rage. Luke's wolf was bigger than mine and he stood over me as if to protect me.

Or to cage me.

Either way I didn't like it. I nip at his hind leg surprising him.

Luke jumps off me and stares at me in shock and disbelief. I give him a smug wolf grin and turn around strutting away waving my tail in the process. Completely ignoring the wolf I was previously growling at and going over to Celeste. She seems frazzled but slightly amused shifting back I grabbed the over sized button up Blake hands to me and throw it on getting a growl from Luke from across the field which I ignore. Placing my hand on her shoulder I lean onto her and we look at Luke and the guy who had shifted back. They were arguing.

"So is he your mate Celeste?"

She nods grimly with a unamused sneer on her face.
"Yes, and he's an asswhole."

The sheer bluntness of her response had me clutching my stomach from laughter.

"Well that makes two of us. Luke is going to have to learn a thing or two."
I rolled my eyes when a growl was thrown my way. Obviously Luke was listening.

"No Jacin is an asswhole on a whole new level. The first thing he said to me was when we get back to my pack I'm gonna put a muffin in your oven! Like what the actual fuck!"

My eyes widened and I tried and failed to stifle a laugh. Kelsey walked up next to me and crossed her arms. She looked furious which was strange seeing as she rarely gets mad.

"Oh do you want to know what my mate just said? He said soon I'm going to put a pup in your hut! A pup in your hut!"

I smiled and laughed.
"Well I guess your boys are eager to be fathers."

This time it was their turn to smirk
"Oh Hun it's because we have a third and a beta. They need heirs but not as much as the Alpha does. Do you know how fast alphas have kids? You were born six months (that's how long a werewolf pregnancy is) after your mom met your dad Jayne. They were 16, your 17."

"Yeah I heard Luke and Bret talking about it. Your expected to have pups pretty soon." Kelsey said looking back at her mate with distain.

My eyes widened at both statements. Turning away from the girls I stomped over to Luke.

"If you expect me to have kids at 17 your off your rocker! I have things I want to do with my life!"

Luke spun around and looked at me with a mixture of anger shock and disbelief.

"Your not serious Jayne?! We are having pups as soon as possible I'm an alpha your a Luna you have the pups! Your born to be a mother to not only our pups but the whole pack!"
He yelled at me.
There was an audible intake of breath from my friends. I was fuming, I've never been so mad in my life. He expects me to just sit and have kids all my life.

"You know what go fuck yourself you non considerate piece of flying shit! I have been trained through blood and tears to be an Alpha my whole life! First you come here and take my title right out of my hands then you want me to sit around and just keep popping kids out for you! Go have kids with some basic bitch Luna at 17 but here's some news it won't be with me until I say so!"

Alpha Female Not LunaWhere stories live. Discover now