That dress

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"Jayne I'm not to sure about this. I don't think I could pass off as seventeen and your beautiful, I'm not. There gonna know I'm not you-" I cut Kelsey off as she rambled on and on about how my brilliant plan wasn't going to work. It was five o clock and we had an hour left before she left. Last night Blake and I spend hours planning and just talking. My plan was perfect.

"Your plenty beautiful Kelsey. My plan will work just fine." I said as I looked over her outfit. I was helping her get ready for the formal meeting. She had on my short emerald green dress with gold lacing and her dirty blond hair was pulled into a bun at the nap of her neck. Little curled ringlets of hair framed her face making her seem older and more mature. She looked pretty. It wouldn't matter if she looked like me anyway no one there knew what I looked like other than my pack members and they wouldn't even know she was pretending to be me.

"But-But what if...."she stumbled over her words before letting out a defeated sigh. Kelsey was an omega but she was also my friend. I protected her like a little sister.

"No what if's about it. Your a knockout babe, now come on the limo with all the girls is leaving." I said pushing her out the door.
When she finally left I sighed in relief and fell back on my bed closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Kelsey's POV

I sat between two girls in the limo who were talking rather loudly about another girl and bit my lip nervously wringing my hands together.
I was terrified. What if they knew it wasn't me? What if I stumbled with my words? Jayne never stumbled with her words. Oh gosh this is going to be terrible.
I was so occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice we had arrived until the two girls literally carried me out of the car. I snapped back to reality as I stared at the pack house. It was huge. There was about two hundred girls here.
Our pack was first though and I trailed behind all the girls with my head down. Trying to go unnoticed. When we stepped into the room I walked to a table and sat down trying to avoid meeting the alpha's son. I played with the hem of the dress Jayne had lent me. It was her's and it was a bit too big in the chest area but other wise it fit well. Jayne had told me that Luke was her mate and she didn't want him to know so that's why I was coming.

"Miss it seems your the only one from your pack Luke has yet to see, would you please follow me?" A man said kindly. I nodded meekly and followed him to where Luke and his father were.

When Luke saw me he froze and his eyes trailed over me but they were mainly stationed on my dress.

"Hello, I'm Jayne soon to be alpha of-" I started the introduction I had practiced for hours this morning when Luke cut me off.

"Where did you get that dress?" He stated rather bluntly.

My eyes widened and I stumbled over my words slightly. I probably looked like a fish with my mouth agape like it was.
"Um, ah it- it was a friends."

Luke narrowed his eyes at me slightly but before he could say anything his father spoke.
"You're not Jayne. I've met Jayne." He was also very blunt. Now I was getting scared.

"Who are you?" Luke demanded and I had no choice but to answer.

"Kelsey Esel." I whimpered out casting my eyes downward.

"That dress belongs to my mate, her scents all over it." He growled out.
"Who's dress is that?"

My mouth opened without my consent and answered him.

Luke growled slightly.
"Why are you wearing her dress? And why isn't she here?" His voice was intimidating and terrifying.

"Jayne told me to wear it and she-she didn't wish to attend." My voice was quiet all these answers were being forced.

"Why?" He was harsh and I flinched back slightly cowering away.

"She-she didn't want to meet you because she doesn't want a mate." I said lips quivering, I had tears streaming down my face. Alpha Demitrio's expression softened and he laid a hand on a furious Luke's shoulder.

"Luke this isn't her fault stop yelling at her. She's a omega she didn't have a choice." He said. Luke sighed and looked at me and it was obvious his anger wasn't directed at me any longer.

"I'm deeply sorry for my attitude. Will you take me to Jayne please Kelsey?"he asked though there was a tinge of anger in his voice.

"Um I can't. She-She told me not to and-" I started but was cut off when he growled lowly. I stiffened and nodded.

"Yes, why don't you come back to the pack house with us then." I stuttered out turning around and walking to the limo outside. Luke followed after me.
This wasn't good the limo was going to the pack house and Jayne was there, oh she's gonna hate me.
I can't mind link her that we were coming until we were really close because I'm an omega and I can't mind link far distances.

We walked silently to the limo and climbed in. Some of the girls gasped at the sight of Luke, he's hot. It's obvious but I'm not sure Jayne will be a fan of all the female attention Luke gets. When the limo started Luke just stared at me with curiosity.
Soon we pulled up near the pack house and got out.

Jayne POV

"No." I snarl snatching the remote from Blake's hands. We are watching television in my room and he keeps turning the channels every five seconds. It was my turn to have the remote.

Blake frowns and makes a move to take the remote from me which I swiftly dodge.
"This remote is mine." I growl out standing up and sitting on my couch rather than my bed. Blake growls and stands up as well.

"I believe I had it first so it's mine." He growls back menacingly. This is an alpha child thing we are very possessive and bossy and being the kids of one of the most strong alpha in the world we are quit a handful.

"I'll fight you for it." I stated an excited grin taking over my face. My wolf Eva hadn't been out in two days and she wanted out and so did I.

Blakes face lights up.
"It's on sis."

I smirk and open up my balcony window before jumping out. In midair I shifted into my silver blue wolf. When my paws hit the ground I turned and grinned at my brother who was right behind me in his dark gray wolf. We were in the middle of the training area which was basically our backyard. It was huge and this is where we always fight. I sent him a Wolfy grin and attacked.

Vote and comment my lovelies! It makes my day reading them! Oh that's Kelsey at the top!

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