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Taylor swift is Odyssey !

When I walked into the kitchen I was overwhelmed with the amount of people openly staring. I smiled and waved a bit nervously as Luke came in behind me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me towards him, making me feel a bit better.

"Jayne this is my mom, Mom this is my mate Jayne." He says pointing to a beautiful woman who looked vaguely like him. She stepped forward and much to my surprise swept me into a hug right out of Luke's arms. I don't know how she did it seeing as she had a basket of berries hooked onto her arm. I returned her embrace. She smelled like strawberries and cinnamon. When she let me go there was an onslaught of hugs. Everyone was hugging me. I was starstruck, Luke stood by with an amused smile.
Once I was released introductions were being thrown at me left and right until Luke's mom hushed them all. My mind was whirling with different names and relations as I smiled and nodded as fast as I could trying too take in all the information.

"Jayne you are absolutely breathtaking much too beautiful for my son here. You can call me Iris, or anything you like." Her smile was brilliant as she spoke. I smiled in return.

"It's nice to meet you Iris."

"Hi Jayne, I'm Tate. Luke's younger but much handsomer brother." Said a boy who looked like a younger version of Luke except his eyes were sea blue while Luke's were forest green and his hair was to his shoulders. I smiled at him. This kids funny.

Luke glared at his brother playfully.

"You wish you were as good looking as me." Luke said pushing his brothers arm. Tate ran right back into him pushing him outside the slide door into the backyard. They started wrestling with each other causing me to laugh though I was slightly nervous to be left with all these people but then everyone said there goodbyes and started filing out of the room.

"Idiots. I don't know what to do with them half the time. " Said a beautiful girl around my age. She smiled walking up to me from the kitchen doorway. "I'm Odyssey and sadly I am the sister of those two idiots in the backyard."

I laughed whole heartedly. Odyssey smiled shook her head at the boys.
"Nice to meet you Odyssey I'm Jayne."

"I've heard about you. Your pretty famous in the packs especially with the girls. My daughter Lilly is two and she already wants to grow up and be like you, kinda pissed me off a little but it's all good."
I was surprised when she mentioned a daughter she doesn't look that much older than me.

"Famous? Why would I be famous?" I said chuckling.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head in disbelief.
" Your an Alpha and from what I hear a pretty damn good one. Word has spread about how skilled you are and how you can beat the best of warriors. Your wolf is also said to be a rarity."

I smiled slightly and shook my head.
" I mean I am an alpha I guess I've been training like any other alpha child would its something that I love. I love training as well so I'm a good fighter and my wolf is usually silver blue but also white. My mom used to say I was blessed by the moon goddess because I have two wolves. Apparently it's rare but it doesn't feel different to me. She said that with an extra wolf came abilities but I don't know. It was probability an old wise tale."
It was true I had two wolves. Lyra and Arya.
I don't usually tell people about having two wolves or that one of them it a white wolf because it's rare and I think it would make them look at me differently but Odyssey seemed easy to talk to.

"That is so cool. Can I see? I mean if your comfortable with it. I've never seen a white wolf before." Odyssey seemed really excited and it kind of made me feel guilty for telling a her before I told Luke.

Alpha Female Not LunaWhere stories live. Discover now