one | gay best friend

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"let your body be"

- oh wonder, "lose it"


Driving a car was less difficult than expected. Alec squirmed in his seat once again before sighing and running a hand over his face. The portal had taken him to Beacon Hills, which he was grateful for, but he arrived in an empty parking lot save for a sleek black car. Alec had twirled the keys he was given before being shoved into the portal by his mother. He pressed the unlock button on the keys and, low and behold, the car was for him. He had put his single duffle bag in the back of the car and started driving, which he had never done before. His mother had already programmed the car to take him to where he needed to be. He had been driving throughout the night as he realized that he needed to learn how to drive before going into a town with civilians.

Alec turned left as the GPS instructed and sighed as he reached an apartment building. He pulled in beside a dark blue car and slid out of the car. His chiseled face was stoic as he grabbed the bag from the backseat and shouldered it. Walking up the steps into the lobby, Alec took in the modern look of the room. It took him by surprise that mundanes could excel at something, but he would get used to it. The elevator was also modern with its mirrors for walls and Alec could smell the remains of a man's cologne.

As he ascended onto his floor, Alec lifted his chin up and started towards the correct door. He stood in front of the door and breathed in before knocking twice. Once Alec did so, he shoved his left hand in his pocket while his left held the strap of his duffle bag. His black jacket hung loosely around his broad shoulders and Alec could practically feel the person on the other side of the door breathe in.

The door opened and behind it stood a petite brunette. Her hair was cut short and it curled slightly at the end. The girl had on a simple outfit: a denim-like shirt over a flower-patterned dress. Deep, canyon-like, dimples adorned her cheeks and Alec saw them when the girl peeked a smile. She used the door to shield herself slightly, taking notice of how tall the boy standing before her was. Her voice was light and she stuttered a bit as she spoke, "Can - Can I help you?"

"Do the Argents live here?" he asked bluntly while his fist curled around the strap of his bag. Alec didn't know how to speak to mundanes; the only one he had properly spoken to was Simon and even that turned out horrible. His eyes scanned the area behind the girl and he saw the bleakness of the apartment, it was obvious they had just moved in.

The girl stood straighter and looked at Alec with a sudden fierceness. Her hair bounced as she shook her head a bit before holding onto the door knob tightly. She had been leaning her weight on one of her legs and the door, but, now, she was standing straight with a hard grip. The deep dimples in her cheek could still be seen, but they were almost hidden by the sharpness of her jaw. "Yes. What do you want?"

"I'm Alec," he introduced awkwardly. Izzy had always been telling her brother to be more polite and it was the first time he had to be. Alec felt like an idiot standing in this girl's doorway as he was basically running away from home. Fixing his hair, Alec ran a hand through it. The girl took a sharp intake of breath and Alec felt even more awkward. "Is there a Chris here, by chance?"

"Allison, who's at the door?" an older man asked while stepping out of his office. He looked similar to his daughter from what Alec could tell. He knew that this was Chris Argent, the man his mother and father knew from their time traveling for the Circle. Alec knew that Chris' wife was dead because of their code against werewolves. He had, however, been hunting with the older man. Chris glanced at Allison's dark posture before smiling at the boy in the doorway, "It's been a long time."

Smiling for the first time in hours, Alec dropped his duffle bag and stepped into the apartment to hug Chris. The older man slapped his back before Alec pulled back, "Good to see you, Chris." He bent back down to grab his bag before Chris slapped his shoulder and turned him to face Allison, who was still holding the door open with a confused look.

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