two | tv show dedicated to cooking

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"i want to feel burning flames when you say my name"

- jessie ware, "say you love me"


"Where are you going?" Alec leaned on Allison's doorway with his strong arms crossed over his chest. Watching as the girl moved to face him, Alec rose a single thick eyebrow. He hadn't left the Argent apartment since the bird incident and he was pleasantly surprised to see that Allison was. His black short-sleeved shirt almost matched Allison's and Alec knew that wherever she said she was going, she wasn't.

Clearing her throat, Allison shook her head and looked to the floor. Allison saw the tattoos that lined Alec's upper body and neck and she swallowed. The tattoos weren't like anything she had ever seen before and she was intrigued. She took a couple of seconds to breathe before looking back at Alec, with a strong look on her face, "I'm going to Lydia's."

"Tell her I say 'hi', okay?" Alec didn't pry as he pushed himself off the doorway. Almost smirking at Allison's look of disbelief, Alec walked back to his own room. There were hidden Shadowhunter trinkets he kept at a safe distance: his stele, his seraph blade, and the Codex book. Of course, he had read the Codex more times than he could count, but he enjoyed keeping the familiar book close by.

It was barely a couple hours after Allison left when Chris showed up at the apartment door. He left before Allison, claiming he was going to the store for some much needed groceries. Alec was sat in the living room, busying himself with the television and frowned when he heard the door open and close, "Hey, Chris, did you know that mundies have an entire television show dedicated to cooking?"

"Alec," Chris spoke in a voice that only he and the younger boy knew. Alec turned his head to the living room entrance and saw the Argent man to the left of a tanned teenager. Standing from the couch, Alec's harsh personality came out. The tanned boy's eyes widened as he saw just how tall the man was before him. Chris cleared his throat and motioned to the boy, "This is Scott McCall. He needs our help."

Crossing his arms and tilting his head up, Alec shifted his weight so it was evenly distributed. He thought he saw Scott gulp with how intimidating he looked, and Alec was proud of himself. "With?"

"Two werewolves loose in the Beacon Hills Preserve," Chris replied. There was a moment shared between them, one that didn't go unnoticed by Scott. The McCall boy's eyes fluttered over Alec's many tattoos, his eyebrows frowning in confusion as he had never seen anything like it before.

"Downworlders?" Alec's eyebrow rose and he sighed. His lips were pursed and he didn't show a single strand of emotion and Scott was confused on how it was possible. Without fault, Alec tilted his head up to the ceiling, "The Accords have specific rules against the killing of Downworlders, Chris."

"We're not killing them," Scott interrupted. The two older males stared at Scott, unable to hide their irritation.

Alec curled his lip. There was something about the way that Scott held himself that made him different from any other werewolf he had ever met. Alec shook his head and uncrossed his arms, "This is for grownups only. Go play hopscotch or something." Turning to the Argent, Alec ignored Scott's look of surprise. "I don't understand what you want me to do, Chris."

"You're the best tracker I've ever known," Chris informed the boy. Alec rose his eyebrows, showing Chris that his flattery wasn't getting him anywhere. Sighing, Chris stepped into the room, "You need a distraction and I'm giving you one. Do you want it or not?"

"Let's go."


The three made their way to the SUV that Chris owned; Alec practically killed Scott with his glares as Scott opened up the passenger side door. Once he felt the harsh glares, Scott rushed towards the backseat. Chris shot his housemate a look and Alec only shrugged.

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