four | bomb threat

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"they might catch me slippin"

- drake + the weeknd, "trust issues"


Wincing at the whistle that went off by his left ear, Alec kept his gaze to the front. He was refusing to speak with the teenagers that were at the back of the bus. Bobby had his hands on either side of the front of the bus, glaring back at the boy trying to flirt with another girl. "Back to your seat." Moving to Alec, Bobby was grumbling unhappily, "Go sit near the back. These morons need supervision all the time. I've got the front."

"Bobby," Alec said with an amused shake of his head. He clapped his shoulder before doing as he was instructed. The Lightwood and Finstock and gotten into a slight row earlier before leaving for the track meet, but it was quickly ended when the students arrived. Alec moved down the aisle, watching the conversation between Boyd and Isaac. The only open seat was a few rows ahead of Scott and Stiles and Alec ignored them and took his place on the uncomfortable seat. Barely two seconds later a body sat on the other side of him. Alec glanced to see the boy and the side of his lip curled up into a smirk. "What are you doing here?"

"Sitting," leaning down and lowering his voice as if it were a secret, he tilted his head with an amused smirk. Before answering his eyes moved to his phone in his hand and then moved back to Alec's. "It's a thing you do on a bus, if you didn't know. Safety hazard. . . Of course, you already knew that because you're a teacher."

Shaking his head with a small chuckle, Alec nodded his head and moved so his shoulder on the window turned slightly towards the blonde. Ethan's muscular body was pressed on Alec's, their broad shoulders were taking up most of the room. He, once again, checked his phone. Alec's tongue slipped out of his mouth and ran over his lips, Ethan watching his every move. "It's funny how after everything last night, you're still sitting with me."

The mood was terse, but not awkward. There was a split second where Ethan's eyes were again on his phone, looking for notifications that weren't there. Ethan still had the smirk on his face, but it wasn't amused anymore. Alec had the same type of expression on his own face and they just stared into the other's eyes. Ethan let out a chuckle, "Last night was a mistake. At least, for me."

"What's the matter with you?" Alec asked as he leaned closer and lowered his voice. Their eye contact was continuing and the both were drowning more and more in the tension. Ethan's head shook in confusion before his eyes broke the connection and darted to his phone. Alec moved so he was in Ethan's line of vision, a teasing smirk showing his teeth. "You've checked your phone four times since you've been sitting here. That's an indicator, which I'm sure you're familiar with."

"Waiting for a message," Ethan leaned so he and Alec were level and Alec's eyebrow rose. The blonde's lips curled into a smile and Alec simply tilted his head. Chuckling a bit, Ethan shrugged and attempted to raise his own eyebrows.

Pushing his shoulder onto Ethan's, Alec ducked his own head lower. They were barely four inches apart from each other, teasing each other in amusement. "Anything important? I mean, checking your phone that many times means that it holds some value."

"Nothing important," he reiterated with the smirk. Alec shrugged before turning back to the window and pulling his own phone out. His thumbs moved across the screen with a new found accuracy, something Alec was thankful fore. Four notifications popped up and Alec read them.


hi, big brother!! i've been thinking of you and definitely miss you... when are you coming back? mom and dad are wondering as well. they don't need to lose two of their sons. text me back, love you.

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