Rogues Do Not Rest

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" Sire, perhaps we ought to make camp. It will be dark enough soon, and we need rest." Sir Aellach pointed out.

" These woods are not safe to make camp, and rogues do not rest." Arthur told him briefly, before kicking his horse into a faster pace. We soon reached the edge of the woods, and broke into a large meadow. More woods lay at the edge of the field, a mountain beyond it reaching into the mist. We wasted no time in crossing the field, and then a stream, before entering the next wood.

" Sire, the sun is setting. We will not be able to find wood for a fire, nor a good place to make camp if we do not stop now." One of the knights advised, but Arthur appeared deaf to his words.

" Do you think these woods a better place to rest? Do not let your stomachs betray your minds. We will ride through the night until we reach the foothills of mountains ahead." Arthur replied with a strict authority that no man dared question.

" Do you really think that wise, milord? After all, even a rogue or a bandit must rest, and I am doubtful they would rest in daylight. Should we ride through the night, we would not be able to continue the next day. The horses too will be in need of rest. The journey would only become further delayed." I commented. After all, I did say no man dared to question Arthur. But I was no man.

" You ought to learn to hold your tongue. If we ride through the night, we will reach the foothills before dawn breaks, and will rest then. Quickly, now." Arthur added, as the rest of the knights exchanged looks.

We did indeed reach the foothills before dawn, with half of knights nearly asleep and falling from their horses. An eerie quiet loomed over the forest as we dismounted, the only sound to be heard was that of our own footsteps. Even the horses appeared to be unsettled. A small fire was started, and we ate quickly before drifting into a much needed slumber. 

My dreams that night were as haunted as the ones before, and when I woke I still felt somewhat unrested. We had eaten and were on our way in less time than it took to saddle a horse. We began to make our way up the mountain

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of steel, and had drawn my bow quicker than he had a moment to breathe again. He staggered as the arrow embedded itself into his chest, and he toppled over the side of the cliff. A second man ran out of the bush, and Arthur had shouted something, but I did not hear it. The second man fell to the ground where he stood, his body crumpling onto itself.

" Good shot." William commented.

" Thank you." I muttered, my mind briefly roaming to wonder where Tristan was, and how he was faring thus far.

" We had better get a move on. This isn't the place we want to be should we be attacked again." Arthur commented. We rode as quickly as we could safely go on the path, resting only when we wandered further into the mountain, finding a flatter, open clearing with a cave reaching into the mountain. Arthur raised his hand for silence and to stop, and we all did so.

" Here. We will make camp and continue in the morning. What we seek is through those caves." Arthur told us, and we all dismounted, making ready camp though the sun still shone strongly.

" William, you will take first watch come nightfall. Faye, you will take second." Arthur ordered, and we both nodded. I rested for a small while, then stood and walked out of the clearing and along the path. I needed a few moments to myself, where I had nothing to do but think. I tried to use my magic to see ahead into the forest, to where Tristan might be, but even my magic could not see things so far away. Had we not been so much higher up, perhaps it would have. 

I walked aimlessly until the sun had nearly set, consumed by my own thoughts. I did not see the bandit rush at me with a sword until it was nearly to late. Instinctively, my hand shot up from my side aimed at the man, and I felt a rush of power leave my hand, a tingling sensation remaining afterwards.  I felt the familiar warmth in my eyes, as the eyes of a sorcerer or sorceress glow when using magic.  The man was thrown backwards off of the cliff and into the abyss below. I returned to camp, and ate with the knights before William took his watch. 

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