14. Eyes Wide Shut

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The moon was half-full by the time my conversation with the king resulted in consequence. An assassin found himself with his head smashed against the wall of the hallway I had been walking down in the midst of the night. Usually, within moments, castle guards would have stormed down the hallways, and alarm bells would have sounded.

That was not the case tonight, and for this reason, I knew the order had come from none other than the King himself, for when two half-asleep guards did finally show their faces, they lumbered slowly down the hallway as though filled with ale. The two metal-clad drunks hauled the subdued assassin away, presumably to the dungeons, where the King would likely sentence him to death, for appearances of course.

Word must have travelled more quickly than I had anticipated, for not long after the would-be assassin had been dragged away, did Arthur appear at the doors of my chamber, banging loudly upon the wood.

"Faye! Faye, open this door! I order you to open this door imm-" Arthur was cut off by the creaking sound of the heavy wooden door as it opened, and he stumbled forwards. Arthur, upon gaining his footing, seemed to realize he was standing in the chambers of a female with no other person present.

"Er, forgive me, this is inappropriate," Arthur stated, retreating back to the doorframe immediately.

"My reputation will have been damaged to its greatest extent already, your highness, given that I have been travelling as the only women in the company of many men and sleeping alongside them. I appreciate the gesture, but lets not hold up false pretences that my reputation has anything left at stake to be lost in that regard, whether it be the truth or not. Only your reputation would be sullied by stepping inside."

Arthur looked at me with an unreadable expression, before stepping forward a moment later and beginning to speak.

"Surely people don't think that? You're a knight!" Arthur protested.

"I am still just the daughter of the castle armorer, with no noble blood running through my veins nor a manhood between my legs. People will think what they wish." Arthur flinched.

"Well, yes, thats true, but...well...just because knights are of nobility...and just because you're a girl...-"

"Enough. Please. I know what is thought of me and I am resigned to that fact," I told him quietly, referring to more of myself than he knew, "Please let it be left at that. Now, why have you come to see me, your highness?"

Arthur looked wounded as I used the formal, or proper, way to address him.

"Please, Faye, can't you at least call me Arthur when there is nobody else around? I'm tired of being addressed so. It makes it feel as though I only have servants and guards, not a friend among them."

I felt a wave of pity wash over me for a moment before nodding.

"My apologies. Arthur," I added, "Now, why have you come?"

"An attempt was made on your life. At least thats what I was told. You seem remarkably calm," Arthur commented. I shrugged.

"It wasn't as though he was successful."

"So there was an attempt on your life?"

"Oh, yes. A minor one."

"A minor attempt on your life? Faye! Somebody tried to kill you!"

"Yes, but he wasn't very good at it." Arthur looked exasperated.

"You're-somebody's just tried to kill you and God knows what else and you're making a bloody joke?"

"Apologies if that was inconsiderate of your feelings."

"Of my-Of my feelings? Have you lost your mind?"

"I don't believe so but I admit I haven't checked in some time."
Arthur sighed.

"Right, well...I'm leading a patrol to Mordaen to investigate claims of raids against the farmers. We leave at dawn." I dipped my head, and Arthur retreated down the halls. He paused, turned, opening his mouth to say something, closing it for a moment before opening it again.
"Be careful, Faye."

I dipped my head once more, closing the door and turning my back, sliding down against the door, and taking a deep breath. I let my eyes close for a moment, relishing in the knowledge that for a few days at least, I would be far away from the King, and hopefully, from those who did his bidding.

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