10. Family

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I heard no news of Tristan, nor of my father, during my unpleasant stay in the physicians chambers. Though Issiel did indeed heal me, I observed that whilst other patients were given various herbs to help with their range of pains, I was not. I also noticed that Issiel released me, declaring I was fit, before I truly was. I said nothing, however. I wanted only news of my father and dearest friend, and it appeared that that was not something I would receive within the chambers of the court physician. I half-hobbled, half-ran to my fathers cottage, practically falling into the wooden door which promptly swung open, leaving me flat on the ground, as it had apparently not been locked. My father turned around, a huge smile spreading over his face.

" Faye! You're home at last. I tell you, when the Prince came by the other day, I thought I was off my rocker. Then, I was sure you'd died, for I couldn't think of any other reason he'd come by here. Turned out he only wanted to let me know you were aw'right, bit bloodied up an' all, but aw'right. Wonderful chap, the Prince, innit he? Coming down 'imself to let an old man know 'is daughters safe in the castle." Brennus had been grinning ear to ear as he talked to his daughter, whilst helping me to to feet.  I grinned, throwing my arms around my father, and kissing his cheek.

" I'm so glad to see you, papa."

" I'm glad to see you too," Brennus laughed, returning the embrace, " And I reckon Tristan will be 'appy to see you too."

" Tristan? Is he all right? Where is he?" I asked, and father laughed.

" At home, resting. Got sent home only a day before you arrived back. Town physician is overseeing 'im now. Reckon 'es much better than when you last saw 'im." Brennus added, but I was already out of the door and down the path to Tristan's home.

Tristans messy blonde hair had grown longer and messier in the time since I last saw him. A grin spread over his face when he saw me, though he did not move much.

" Faye!" Tristan exclaimed, trying to sit up more whilst his mother scolded him.

" How are you? Are you alright? You aren't missing any limbs, are you?" I burst out, and Tristan laughed.

" No, no I'm quite well, thanks. I reckon you saved my life, you know," Tristan added, lowering his voice as he spoke.

" Nonsense, the physician did that. Now, tell me when you're going to be well again so I can beat you for getting injured!" Tristan laughed, and I smiled, beaming with joy. After all, I had been reunited with my closest friend.

" I heard you were injured," Tristan commented, searching my face. I shrugged before deciding to conceal the extent of my injuries. I did not wish to worry him with petty details.

" Nothing serious."

" That isn't what I heard," Tristan informed me with a stern look.

" No? Well, rumours do fly, don't they? It's only talk. I expect your source was poorly informed, anyways." Faye was quite sure her little white lie would be harmless.

" I didn't realize the Prince of Calber was so poorly informed, Faye." A deep voice came from behind me, and I flinched upon recognition of Arthur's voice.

" Ah, Sire. I suppose that should have been a predictable outcome."

" You would think so, wouldn't you? Never mind that. Healing well, Tristan?" Arthur asked, and Tristan nodded.

" Yes, Sire. I'll be fighting fit in no time."

" Good," Arthur replied, turning to face me now, " Faye, Damian was looking for you. In the courtyard by your fathers, I think."

" What did he want?" I asked, my forehead scrunching up in confusion. Arthur shrugged, muttering something incoherent under his breath.

" Who's Damian?" Tristan interjected before I could ask Arthur what he'd said.

" Oh, we met him on the way home." I replied before bidding Tristan and Arthur a good day. I made my way to the courtyard somewhat slowly, my wounds still giving me a bit of trouble here and there, but curiosity drove me onwards. A mop of dark hair and startling blue eyes which belonged to a particularly tall boy gave Damian away the moment I stepped foot into the courtyard.

" Prince Arthur mentioned you were looking for me?" Damian nodded.

" Yeah, I um, was wondering how you were. I heard you were released." Damian's words seemed honest enough, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was something he had not said.

" Kicked out, more like it," I muttered under my breath, " Yes, I've gone home now."

" I'm glad. I wanted to wish you well, Faye, and thank you for saving my life."

Damian's parting words hit me much harder than I had expected them too, though I had known they were coming.

" You're leaving already?" I asked, disappointed. Damian nodded.

" I ought to get home to my family. They're bound to be worried sick about me, and I've already been gone for a very long time. For all I know, they think me dead."

" When do you leave?"

" Before midday. I wish to make it home by nightfall."

" An escort, too?" I inquired. Damian shook his head.

" Prince Arthur offered, but I know the route well, and there are rarely any complications. He gifted me a sword, so if I do run into trouble, I'll be well enough off." Damian paused, and then looked at me, his eyes seeming to look within me.

" You'll be welcome in Lurne, you know. Should you ever need a place to go. Some of them knew about my father, and all were loyal to him. He was discovered when visiting a different village. His own brother, whom lived their, turned him in. But he was always welcome in Lurne, as you would be, regardless of whether people knew or not. I won't tell anyone," Damian added, " I just wanted to let you know you'd be welcome."

" That's awful," I murmured, unsure of what else to say, until I realized thanks were in order. " Thank you. I may need a place to stay, one day."

" Everyone does, sooner or later. Goodbye, Faye. I'll see you again, soon, I expect. I'll be in Calber for the tournament." Damian added, a mischievous glint in his eye, and I laughed.

" Why doesn't that surprise me?" I was grinning ear to ear. Of course, Damian would be participating in the open tournament, which allowed all ranks of people to enter, regardless of whether or not they were nobility. It was held once every ten years, and many people were looking forward to it, myself included.

" I expect to see you in the arena, then!" Damian called as he walked away, picking up a small pack of things, and disappearing down the bustling streets of Calber.

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