Do ross have a crush on laura?

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Laura/diamond pov.
Right when Tyler left my room I fell asleep. Then, a few minutes later I hear screaming, and I was thinking it was rydel because she really excited he's here. So I went back to sleep, and a few more minutes later. I still hear yelling so I went downstairs to tell them to shut the hell up, but instead I see riker punch Tyler, and slam the door in his face.

I asked what happened, and they told me everything, and I was pissed off at Tyler, but also Ratliff because he had all the time to tell rydel that he loved her.

After, I heard everything I went to go check on rydel, and then went to bed because I was really tired.

~next day~

Ross pov.

I woke up, and I smelled food so I jumped out of bed, and ran downstairs to see diamond cooking.
She look so beautiful I can't explain how beautiful she is.

"You think I'm beautiful?!"Laura/diamond said while blushing.
"You heard me?"I said while smiling at her.
"You were thinking out Loud again."I said while walking over to him.
"Diamond/Laura of course I think your beautiful. Who doesn't?"I said while taking her hands in mine.
"I hate our relationship we hate each other than, we love each other it's so confusing. Which one do you want Ross?"Laura/diamond said while placing her hand on his cheek bringing her face close to his.

"Am I interrupting something or nah?"Ratliff said while laughing at our reaction.
"Yes, you are interrupting us!"Ross said while trying to push Ratliff out of the kitchen.
"Ratliff you didn't interrupted anything! Um I'm going to go get the others so, they can eat breakfast."Laura/diamond said while walking upstairs to wake the rest up.

When she got everyone up, they all went downstairs eating like crazy.
"Laura/diamond this food is so freaking good!"Ross said while winking at her, and riker saw so he complimented her too.
"Yeah Laura/diamond you cook way better than, my mom!"riker said while hugging her tightly in front of Ross.
"Aww thanks riker your such a sweetheart."Laura/diamond said while looking at Ross smiling.
"Thanks Ross."Laura/diamond said plainly, and than, Ross looked at riker making a I'm going to kill you face.
"Anyway guys I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be right back."Laura/diamond said while jogging up the stairs.

While Laura/diamond been at the Lynch's house. There were paparazzi taking pics of Ross, and Laura/diamond together. They also got the part when Laura/diamond sat on Ross lap, and wrapped her legs his torso. They got the part when Laura/diamond, and riker was hugging each other this morning, and Ross and riker making a angry face at each other.

Later on that day.
Rocky pov.

After we all ate I went to go get some magazines, and the mail.
When I brought it in the house I see a lot of magazines with Ross, and Laura on it., and also riker, and Laura. I read the title and it says...

To be continued...

what do you think the title says? :/

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