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I never wanted things to change,
Cause change brings new things
I'm not ready to deal with
That's why I don't like change

I didn't want a baby sister
Cause I was Mom and Dad's only child
But change had other plans for me
And now my sister's wild

I didn't want to move away
Cause new school, new friends, new town
But change had other plans for me
And now I always frown

I didn't want to be a teenager
Cause I liked the old me
But now I'm selfish, hormonal and sarcastic
Just cause change intervened

Sister says it's because life's not fair
Mom says change brings us closer, thriller
Dad said if there's no change, there's no butterflies
But what was wrong with caterpillars?

I wanted change to go away
I wanted the old things to stay
I wanted to go back to 6
When I didn't cry cause I was sick

But the year that Mom died,
I was mad at Change the most!
How could Change do this to us?
Did Change want us all toast?

But as time slowly progressed
I understand what Mom meant
Change brings us closer
That's why change was sent

Sure, change brings us bad times
And makes you want to quit
But it's the people that you love
That makes it all worth it

Now I don't hate change anymore
I like it as a friend
I just hope change doesn't bring the time
When the world comes to an end

Age 11

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